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The Deli Counter, 8:00 P.M., December, 18, 2016, A Supermarket in West Baltimore
© 2016 James LaFond
Samantha was tearing down the salad bar, to repack and discard the various fresh items and then clean the display case. It is standard practice for perishable counter clerks to take down such temperature- and light-sensitive displays between 8-9, depending on the area. This particular store loses it's uniformed police officer at 9:00, so the people try to make sure they are safely barricaded behind the deli counter at that time.
On this particular night the cop had been called away and the store only had an unarmed security guard of the Dindu kind.
All the customers are Dindus.
All the help, except for Samantha are Dindus.
The security guard is a Dindu.
The manager on duty is a Dindu.
As Samantha was bagging up the green olives, a 15-year-old Dindu female approached her and demanded bacon bits.
Samantha said, "I'm sorry miss. I'm taking down the case. We do have bacon bits in Aisle—"
By that time the Dindu had her hands wrapped around Samantha's neck and was choking her, trying to kill her.
The large mother of the Dindu attacker helped, by closing in and pinning Samantha to the counter while her daughter choked her with an intense ferocity.
Customers stood and watched.
The security guard stood and watched.
The manager on duty walked by, stopped, and then stood and watched.
A male coworker came out from behind the counter and pulled the rabid Dindu breeders off of Samantha and then took her behind the counter.
The police were not called.
The manager was not reprimanded or counseled by his supervisor.
Samantha, a 28-year employee is now terrified to report to work.
And life goes on in Harm City.
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