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Harm City December
Three Elderly Palefaces Slain This Month
© 2016 James LaFond
This is in the stats but no news is released about the nine-fold increase in black-youth on elderly-white murders this year.
This is not just about race. Last year, when two black women in their 70s and 90s were raped by black youth, this also was hushed by police and the media, until one victim walked to the TV station and raised a ruckus!
This is anarcho-tyranny in play.
Every week a call goes out to save the young black men gunned down by young black men from white privilege, yet nothing is said about the true predation.
The murder map linked below is one of the tools Charles used to check my work on the Baltimore Travel Guide.
Although murders are only at 316 compared to last year's 340 at the same time, Baltimore's killings per 100,000 residents is only off by 2 tenths of a percent from last year, as that many thousands of Baltimoreans have fled! And this is posited as a net good result!
Since shootings [about 800 reported] are identical to last year the number of attempted stranger killings is up by a much higher margin. Fewer people are being killed by their close criminal associates and more are being murdered by strangers. This is an ominous trend which bespeaks a much more dangerous Baltimore than in 2015. However, since only deaths matter in U.S. crime reporting, it shall be sung from the halls of power that Baltimore is safer this year than last.
The map visible below the monthly stats shows killings on the year.
This Baltimore Homicides report and map are perhaps the only useful service that the Anarcho-Tyranny mouthpiece, The Baltimore Sun, does for Baltimore as a community in peril.
Scholar of the Urban American Experience
harm city
Hunting Whitey
search for an american spartacus
let the world fend for itself
the greatest lie ever sold
when you're food
crag mouth
into leviathan’s maw
menthol rampage
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