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‘The Inheritance of Orphans’
The Decline of Males by Lionel Tiger, pages 91-266
© 2016 James LaFond
1999, Saint Martin’s Press, NY, 323 pages
After three searing, relevant and well-documented chapters spanning the first 90 pages of this book made the case that industrial, and now post-Industrial society, has and is waging a war of gender destruction upon boys and men—and the increasingly numerous gender experiments caught between the two—Lionel Tiger, while continuing to expose the fallacies of feminist academia, falls into the modernist liberal trap of proposing solutions from among the menu of the root far as Tiger is able to go is to make the case that modernity has wrongly served men, not that modernity and its globalist Holy Grail is wrong.
Really, buy the book for the first 90 pages and use the rest for note paper and masculine doodling—maybe even for wiping your spunk off the occasional feminist chin after she comes to worship at the forbidden temple.
In the end, I understand Tiger packing in the iconoclasm to save his academic ass in the second portion of the book.
And in the ultimately bitter end, the most disappointed people are going to be the frustrated feminists who just don’t seem to be able to forget their human plight at the hands of the dildo-wielding dyke…
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Sam J.     Dec 29, 2016

This will sort itself out. Not in the way Women suppose. Women are simultaneously weak yet have great power over Men. Presently their behavior is close to destroying our civilization, with a lot of help from silly Men. The apocalyptic, ends of times, asteroid hitting the Earth, black plague, 200 foot high tsunami for the Feminist event has arrived.

Japanese scientist have raised mice by taking skin cells and turning them into stem cells, then eggs. They then fertilize these cells with sperm. Oops feminist, turns out it's sperm that is the trigger for turning cells into zygotes. The success rate is up to 24 percent. Those mice have in turn been breed with regular mice and there seems to be no problem with them. Normal mice. They said there is no problem doing the same with humans.


So the path would be first to create eggs from skin cells, fertilize then raise in surrogates. The next step would to be finding a large animal suitable in size to carry human babies. Cows??? The animal is then genetically engineered to have a human uterus or the correct hormones to raise humans and immune system. This is not some far fetched idea. There's a new genetic technology call CRISPR that makes it super easy to genetically modify animals, plants, whatever. Genetic engineering is about to move into serious wharp drive. They've even found new ways related to CRISPER so there will also be competition keeping prices down. They're already working on adding human immune system genes to pigs so we can use their kidneys and hearts.

How many women you think would sell some cells, say a swab in the cheek, for $1,000? A lot. A whole lot.

A lot of the excesses of feminism comes from the fact that only women can have children. That's going to change and when it does men and women will truly be equal. They won't like it. Phillis Schlafly fought against the Feminist because she knew that Women didn't have it so bad and didn't want Men to change their roles. Men will most likely have children on their own. I believe they would still get married but their children would stay with them.

You can bet the feminist will do everything in their power to stop this. I'm betting the technique will be perfected in some third world country or Island nation. Maybe in secret. It will not be able to stopped then as people could travel to get their children.

So women refuse to produce children and if they do the odds that they will be taken away from men are extremely high. It's a raw deal. If we can't get them to do it we'll just take care of it ourselves.

Next time a Women gives you shit about them being the beginnings of life tell them it's sperm that makes babies and eggs can come from any cell. Watch them cry.

It's very unfortunate. I love Women but there's something in their nature that forces them to choose hypergamy. I understand this but you can't have hypergamy and a modern civilization at the same time. They just don't mix.

It's my understanding that the Romans followed a path exactly like we are doing. Women were given no fault divorce and child support payments just like today. Rapidly, as today, your average guy got a raw deal out of this and stopped getting married. It got so bad that the Roman State forced through a bachelors tax. This of course failed and whole sections of the Roman Empire went to waste. When the barbarians attacked none of the Men found anything there worth fighting for so the whole thing crumbled. I think this is the reason Rome fell. Nothing to do with lead pipes or other silliness. If the State gives Men nothing worth fighting for they will cease to do so.
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