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''Tis the Season—Yo'
American Malls Beefing up Security to Better Serve Misunderstood Youth
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
‘Tis the season to go upside somebody’s head.
“Teen Brawls” = black mob violence
-From the “News-speak” dictionary
“But the main reason for the brawls seem From the “News-speak” dictionary s to simply be that America’s teenagers were bored and more than happy to stir up some excitement during the week off from school. “I don’t think there’s Dr. Evil sitting around in some chair somewhere directing everybody to do this,” Police Captain Gary Haba, of Beachwood, Ohio, told the Times. “It just seemed like kids showed up and they were waiting to start seeing some mayhem.”
Perhaps Captain Haba should reevaluate his hypothesis and generate a new and more PC explanation for public consumption. There MUST be an evil genius behind these “mall brawls”. For if there is NOT, if someone like Jeff Bezos , CEO of isn’t suborning this public disorder to shut down his brick and mortar retail competitors, then this implies that black youth in the aggregate has a psychopathological predisposition toward violence. As soon as they get bored they want to stomp someone’s brains out. Even video games with violent themes aren’t stimulating enough for them in that regard. So what to do about it? ...Wring your hands, show concern and pretend that whites and Asians commit violent crime at similar rates, that’s what. Nothing to see here folks…move along now!
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