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They Want You to Say It
KKK Leaders Allege Producers Paid Them to Fake Scenes in Canceled A&E Documentary
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Race War Update
White hipsters and SJWs, as well as blacks, get all offended when white people use the n-word. It’s a trigger word. It sets the scene. It gets rich Lefties to donate to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the hedge fund that masquerades as a civil rights organization. So they and other organization like them must persuade their donor base that there are armies of racist whites preparing to attack them. Triggering Lefties is how you motivate them to protest, vote and contribute money to the cause. What is the Left going to do now that their favorite racist bogeyman refuses to play for the cameras?
All in all “reality” shows are ways for producers to produce content on the cheap without having to pay for unionized actors and screenwriters. Naturally the more provocative, controversial and taboo the subject, the better in order to attract viewers who might prefer to watch a scripted drama. Otherwise there is little reality in reality shows. They are as contrived as any scripted production using professional actors and screenwriters. Production costs for TV series have soared in recent years. TV and movie productions are highly taxed as well. Which is why so many series are being produced in Canada where taxes for such productions are lower, and where it’s easier for movie companies to obtain the permits to use full-automatic guns for action-adventure stories ironically enough. All these cable TV channels provide jobs for people in Hollywood. The producers just have to figure out how to fill them up with stuff people will want to watch and advertisers will want to sponsor to get the most eyes on their ads for the money.
“The production team even paid for material and equipment to construct and burn wooden crosses and Nazi swastikas, according to multiple sources including Richard Nichols, who is one of the featured subjects of the documentary series as the Grand Dragon of a KKK cell known as the Tennessee White Knights of the Invisible Empire. He also said he was encouraged by a producer to use the epithet “nigger” in interviews.”
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