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Identifying an Anarcho-Tyranny Zone
Profiling the Criminal Apologist mouthpiece of Anarcho-Tyranny in harm City, The Baltimore Sun
© 2016 James LaFond
On the last day of the bloodiest year per capita in Baltimore History [not the deadliest as so many people have fled Baltimore that the body count is dropping], the front page news story for the Baltimore Sun on January 31, 2016, is:
One misstep leads to a years-long fall by Erica L. Green
this story is about Michael, an affluent person of color from an two-person household in upscale Columbia Maryland—the richest municipality in the state. Michael "fell in with the wrong group of kids" and "stole" a cell phone from another teen. this sounds innocuous enough if you have never seen the process whereby a gang of teen thugs beat the piss out of a terrified twerp and take his cell phone so that he cannot call the police. The apologist reporter makes it sound like Michael was just hanging round with some youths who decided to sneak into some other kid's locker and take his cell phone. Such is the misreporting buy police and the media in an anarcho-tyranny zone. Brutal mob assault will be presented as "a fight" "a theft" or "a brawl."
In Baltimore, in the so-called black community, every young man who has walked alone has been mob-attacked and humiliated by packs of thugs out for thrills. No one ever cared about the victims so it got no play. No that this activity is targeting whites it is coming to the attention of citizens through social media despite police and media attempts to keep it a secret. Black teen thugs have now begun targeting elderly whites as much as possible and since whites are no universally castigated as privileged and evil and the cause of all of the woes besetting ghetto youth, they are politically correct targets.
The aim of this article is three-fold:
1. To shorten corrections stays for violent youth like Michael, so that he may return to his mission of terrorizing citizens so that they will call for more government spending to redress the wrongs done to Michael by the people he attacks.
2. To lay the blame for Michael's thug behavior on law enforcement and the judiciary, to pressure these entities to further open the municipality to aggressive crime.
3. To begin re-characterizing mob assaults as non-violent property crimes. This later goal has largely been achieved with the cooperation of law enforcement.
The important thing to take away from this front page effort by The Anarcho-Tyranny Mouthpiece, is that the regular featuring of such sympathy-for-thugs articles on a paper's front page indicates that there is currently, in your home town, a concerted effort on the part of the media and the government to make your neighborhood so dangerous that you will either vote for higher taxes to address these issues, or move out of town so that your house can be gentrified by real estate concerns to appeal to your higher income replacements.
Never move into a municipality in which the newspaper obscures, denies and misrepresents current violent crime trends. Currently Baltimoreans are leaving this town as fast as they can. I got another call from a friend who is moving, a friend who has lived in the same house in Baltimore for 50 years!
Don't be the chump who moves in.
Happy New Year from the Zone—someone just emptied a .38 special a half block down the street and someone else just discharged a 12 gauge a few houses up. I' think I'll nix the evening stroll and hit the sack.
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