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Pathological Altruism & Idiot Compassion
Pleasure/Displeasure And Right/Wrong In The Amygdala
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
“One of the problems the left has, would seem to be that the liberal amygdala has more difficulty than most in differentiating between concepts which are unpleasant and concepts which are incorrect. Both will trigger aversive stimulus, but for different reasons.”
Anonymous Conservative gives an interesting explanation of how the Leftist mind is wired. AC’s use of evolutionary reproductive strategy (‘r’ versus ‘K’ or rabbits versus wolves) to describe the origins of our political sympathies and movements actually explains much. Whether you believe in evolution or creationism, there IS such a thing as human nature. Some behaviors are “hard-wired” into people’s brains and are therefore extremely resistant to change. Human beings seem to be somewhat evenly split between ‘r’ and ‘K’ in their basic orientation and their approach the issues and problems in their lives. One thing you notice in the military very quickly is that some people can handle a lot of psychological stress without ill effect and some people can’t handle any stress at all with out acting out or becoming withdrawn. Clearly Leftists over-react to small stressors that cause “bad feels” in their underdeveloped amygdala’s (like Donald Trump or Rush Limbaugh speaking loudly and confidently) and under-react to truly serious threats that would cause a more rational ‘K’ strategist to formulate fight and/or escape plans in their cerebrums (like mobs of black youth suddenly gathering in a public venue). Leftist are also more likely to pick the easy, feel-good, wrong choice over the unpleasant, but correct, right choice. Which is why they are prone to pathological altruism / idiot compassion, all because it feels good to them to act that way at the moment. They remain unable to contemplate or appreciate the long-term consequences of their actions.
We see this lack of ability on the part of Leftists to react appropriately to real threats to their physical safety in the experiences of our founder JL who is constantly thwarted and frustrated by rabbit people who fail to heed his warnings when danger approaches. As in the Incident of the Fire Starter. Goodness, where do these people think they are living? Geneva Switzerland? They are poster children for amygdala atrophy.
They Want You to Say It
Bring in the New Year with More Infidel Dead
on combat
under the god of things
winter of a fighting life
blue eyed daughter of zeus
orphan nation
the greatest lie ever sold
masculine axis
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