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Survival News
Guns, Bayonets and Combat Cannibalism
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham & James LaFond
Eye Gouged out, Nose Bitten on San Diego Street
This sounds like a classic homeless brawl to me:
“The attacker then took out an umbrella and swung it at the stranger. When the victim took it away, the assailant started punching him. During the fight, the attacker bit off a chunk of the victim’s nose and gouged out one of his eyes, police Officer Robert Heims said.”
Keep in mind, that as society continues to implode that scenes like this are going to become increasingly common. The fellow with the umbrella would have been well-served with bayonet tactics rather than imitating a MLB hopeful, which failed and then resulted in his reduction to Neanderthal levels of dietary offense.
Read more below:
FM 23-25 Bayonet Fighting 1943
- Section III Group Assault Tactics
In case it jams or there are too many Dindus coming over the compound wall...
Bayonet Fighting 1943. See Section III Group Assault Tactics.
The 5 best-selling handguns in America all have 1 thing in common
“The right to buy weapons is the right to be free.”
- A.E. Van Vogt, “The Weapon Shops of Isher”, 1951
Fill your hand!
Interesting. Especially since this article comes from a financial website rather than a gun oriented one. There’s lots to choose from on the market today. Not just guns either. If you’re a gun, knife or sword enthusiast it’s a great time to be alive. Happy New Year!
“As each of these top sellers makes clear, the biggest driver of demand is self-defense as concealability remains the primary attribute buyers are looking for in their firearms. Major media outlets continue to report on civil unrest following the presidential election, so we may not have seen the end of the gun sales boom that occurred during the Obama administration—or the growing interest in compact, concealed carry weapons.”
Never Mind the Dog, Beware of the Owner
modern combat
What Happened to the Vikings?
thriving in bad places
when you're food
songs of arуas
Sam J.     Jan 1, 2017

Somebody needs to make a cut down five-seven.

The round is excellent. The Muslim who killed all those troops on base used a five-seven. It can have 30 round mags, 20 norm. What if you made a highly concealable 10 round version? Still have more firepower than most guns.
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