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Theory of Geopolitical Psychology
Transcendent analysis by Ronald
© 2017 Ronald Thomas West
Hi all
Let’s hope I’m wrong (pasted in, below.)
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
Recent evidence points to serious infighting within the national security apparatus of the United States. Yet, observers as astute as William Engdahl appear to believe Trump’s ascendance is a rather perfectly stage-managed event by the American oligarchs. While I often agree with Engdahl, where I disagree presently is his ‘plan b’ idea that industrialist oligarchs put up Trump as their candidate. My take is, we’re looking at competing cliques in the ‘national security’ establishment between Clinton aligned (Brennan-Obama- CIA-Brzezinski neoliberal led) and Trump aligned (Pentagon-Christian Zionist-Israeli-Kissinger neoconservative led) camps. The American oligarchs will profit in any case but they do not necessarily control how events unfold. Also I expect Engdahl’s predicting four years minimum to a third war between the world powers is easily in error. This could happen much sooner; as once an unforeseen event sets a larger chain of events in motion, history instructs us there is no recovery of equilibrium before that chain of events have played out.
Ron’s Conspiracy Theory
It would appear quite possible that groups of people create collective realities seeming unconsciously, and cause via their collective belief, events to take on what would appear to be an ‘unconscious’ but in reality is a ‘super-conscious’ intelligence that is organized, functions as though it were managed by individuals (even when it is not) and the result is, we can read into those events as though they were managed in a sense they actually are not.
This collective ‘meme’ can explain what is called in the biblical sense ‘principalities of darkness’ or that is to say a ‘spirit of evil’ managing events in a sense of both conspiracy and superstition.
There is quite a bit of ‘coincidental incidence’ in our world indicating peoples of the western culture are creating reality quite independent of self-aware thought and, to a rational observer, it could seem almost certainly by design when in fact this is not necessarily the case. Such would explain a belief in Illuminati when in fact it did not exist in any individual self conscious or ego-aware organized form but nevertheless manifest as an observable phenomena of symptoms or consequence derived from a collective super-conscious phenomenon.
A conclusion could be there is a ‘super awareness’ of the group causes what appear ingenious evils of conspiracy when in fact there is no one individual or group of managers within the group capable of implementing these designs which, nonetheless in actuality, are perceived. To accomplish reality of evil would only require evil ideas as cultural drivers; example given Original Sin and the devastation visited upon our world’s women, the greatest and ongoing holocaust among holocausts.
The natural progression to end result would be, when a large portion of an aggressive society collectively believes in Armageddon as an archetype, all of the necessary players will naturally manifest in a super-conscious organized format empowered to bring it off, where no one individual or group of individuals or players could effect this by individual or personal volition; nevertheless the super-consciousness of the event’s initiating group insures creation of this reality for the collective whole.
Have you looked at the apocalyptic ‘good versus evil’ fables driving our world’s several fundamentalist religions’ reality recently? If cosmology is the effective driver of what appears to be pointed to inevitable catastrophic outcome, better to change fables, you think? Now, just how do you suppose this could be accomplished? As things stand, we’re all little more than an extinction event waiting to happen. All of us.
Projection: Putin will feign hypnosis for the old snake-charmer Kissinger and take whatever he is able; to relieve the neoliberal initiated NATO build-up on Russia’s European borders. At the end of the day, however, Russia will not abandon Iran or be split from China. Neoconservative myopia will determine a failed attempt at back-stabbing the Russians; as this decrepit game is far too old and well understood to be effected with any competence. Meanwhile, the Russian propaganda apparatus is already sucking in the pundits with ‘this is good for Moscow’ relating to Kissinger taking the stage in what must be that career geopolitical criminal’s final and failed act. How the West’s narcissist neoconservative reptiles will (with immense stupidity) react in the face of failure will, more likely than not, determine when (not if) the third war between world powers initiates –
A Matriarchal, Libertarian Gospel
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Ishmael     Jan 5, 2017

I know of religions that have prayer circles, a collective response to negative thought and hostile action, watch I am video, try to keep an open mind.
Sam J.     Jan 6, 2017

It's extremely hard to tell what's going on. If this present is planned then an enormous amount of various entities are throwing up smoke and chaff in every direction. Trump himself is very contradictory. He nominates people with widely different views. As for the neocons they seem to hate Trump but you say they're putting him in power. I'm not blaming you for this or saying your wrong as the whole narrative seems to be immensely jumbled. As for war it appears to me to be receding in the case of World War. Maybe even the psychopaths can see this would be a disaster.

The way I see it various groups of psychopaths collaborate in skinning the sheep and fight among themselves for power with various schemes. If you look at all the old Kings of Europe, Hernando De Soto, Cortes, Alexander and the other kill them all Empire builders they all seem to be psychopaths to me. Their children probably vary.
Ishmael     Jan 7, 2017

Sam, I viewed 3% of the people podcast, this has been my gut feeling for the last 25 yrs, I call it depressive realism, I'm optimistic after the great purge, but the cycle will continue until we can all discipline ourself to the good of each other, this will never happen, we are after all, human!
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