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‘A Mystical Spirit’
The Fools’ Road of Democracy
© 2017 James LaFond
“That Kissinger isn’t in jail for life (not to mention Woolsey, Brzezinski, Gates, father & son Bush, husband & wife Clintons etcetera, etcetera) speaks volumes of ‘democracy'"
-Ron West, January 4, 2017
Of course we do not live in a democracy, but a republic warped as much as possible to mimic a democracy.
Below is a nice little muse on my least liked label, democracy, which is, on its face the tyranny of 51% over 49% of the voters, but in actuality is the art whereby the elite or a demagogue convinces more idiots to confirm his authority than the opposition. The z-man weighs in on this worship of money-aimed mob rule at the link below. He really aces this essay when he closes with a proper characterization of the temporal lack of scope endemic to the Left.
‘Surrender of One's Own Identity’
site reviews
‘Eradication of Ancient Nation States’
let the world fend for itself
on the overton railroad
america the brutal
night city
'in these goings down'
advent america
time & cosmos
keith     Jan 6, 2017

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.

—John Adams
Sam J.     Jan 6, 2017

“That Kissinger isn’t in jail for life (not to mention Woolsey, Brzezinski, Gates, father & son Bush, husband & wife Clintons etcetera, etcetera) speaks volumes of ‘democracy'"

-Ron West, January 4, 2017

Something we can agree on.
James     Jan 7, 2017

Is Kissinger not the most diabolical sack of fat?

I quite enjoyed his 2015 talk in D.C., which I covered somewhere on this site.

I'd love to play Empires in Arms with the old fiend...
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