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© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
MSMA News - Tilikum, The Man-Killer Whale, Passes Away at Sea World
Mixed Species Martial Arts (MSMA) news – Tilikum the Orca, winner of three sanctioned aquarium death matches, passed away Friday at age 35. Tilikum’s three human opponents all died during the matches. They fell victim to the orca’s signature "dive and drown” technique. Tilikum said he regretted that his human opponents expired, but “they were small and weak and this is a dangerous sport”. “I don’t know what made those hairless monkeys think they could get in the tank with me?”, Tilikum said in a recent interview.
Jeremy, you forgot to add, that as a mixed race whale—Tommy said "He look like a nigga I played ball whit!"—that Tilikum, obviously named by his BT-1000 mother, has had many hurdles to clear in life.
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Jeremy Bentham     Jan 9, 2017

Indeed James. Good point about the many hurdles that Tilikum had to overcome in his life. All from the time before he turned professional, when he was a youngster hunting along the mean shores of Iceland. Furthermore, the article does state that Tilikum sired 21 calves, a fact which could lead one to presume he was a Brother. It declines to say how many different orca baby-mamas he had relations with.
Sam J.     Jan 10, 2017

Fuck that orca. Splashing people and shit.

Before you get all lovely on these vicious orcas you should read this story. I read it a long time ago and have never looked at the vicious beast the same.
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