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The Filthy Few
A Military Science-Fiction Collaboration with Samuel Finlay
© 2017 James LaFond & Samuel Finlay
Sam and I have discussed doing an over-the-top, hyper-violent and—in science-fiction terms—plausible adventure yarn that will not tax either one of us too much as we go about our separate projects. We are going to have fun with this first and foremost and not set deadlines, etc.
The man, who in this world we know as Samuel Finlay, also lives in an alternative reality that is only different from ours by the singular fact that, as Sam returned to his Country home from one of his book promotions, a man in a blue suit sat waiting on his front porch, a man with a mission from the President Elect himself, who had selected Sam for this honor after seeing him interviewed on a Facebook Feed. On this show, Sam had mentioned Lee Marvin as the model for the hard-ass NCOs of the U.S. Army infantry. This had given the impetuous President Elect an idea. Mister President had always loved The Dirty Dozen, starring Lee Marvin. This got the President to thinking about a certain domestic danger to the U.S. National Security that he was unable to address through government or military channels either overt or covert.
Would Sam be willing to recruit a real Dirty Half- Dozen from among American convicts condemned to life in prison or to the death penalty on the promise that having served their country, they would be pardoned by the President himself?
Sam will be writing the same unassuming, pondering fellow we saw in Breakfast With The Dirt Cult, as he is tasked with stepping up to the wicked skullduggery of postmodern American politics teetering on the verge of Civil War.
The tale will be a short novella, the first portions of which will be serialized on this site.
First 9 Scenes, Serialized
My assignment is to write violent psychopaths as they go about the business of becoming permanent wards of the Corrections State, at one scene a piece. This is well within my literary wheelhouse.
Sam’s assignment will be to write three scenes involving his meetings with the Man in the Blue Suit, his agreement to the project, and his receipt of the dossiers of these six pariah Americans.
Scenes 10-15, Serialized
We will then collaborate on six scenes where he interviews these barbaric misfits, using email exchanges to replicate the dialogue, making it unscripted.
Scenes 16-24
Sam and I will collaborate on these scenes and perhaps serialize the first two, reserving the remainder for the published book.
As soon as I finish Rise of the Nords I should be putting a Filthy Few profile out there.
Breakfast with the Dirt Cult Paperback – October 12, 2012
To Steal Him into the Future
Perdition Enchained
winter of a fighting life
crag mouth
ball of fortune
songs of arуas
book of nightmares
on combat
Nero The Pict     Jan 10, 2017

The two of you should collaborate on a "Choose Your Own Adventure" type book!!!

Looking forward to this one
James     Jan 11, 2017

I always died when I played those books!

Thanks, Nero.

We want to have fun with this.
bwf     Feb 26, 2017

I enjoyed Breakfast with the dirt cult and this seems like a good read too. Can't wait.
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