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Obama Enjoys a Denzel Washington Moment
B-2 bombers kill nearly 100 ISIS terrorists in Libya
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
President Obama’s Parthian shot.
“A pair of B-2 "stealth" bombers blasted two ISIS training camps in Libya on Wednesday evening, dropping 108 precision-guided bombs and sending jihadists scattering—many of whom were then "cleaned up" by drone-launched hellfire missiles, U.S. defense officials told Fox News.”
“Since taking office, President Obama has authorized airstrikes in at least seven countries: Libya, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia.”
The irony is of course that President Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize during his first year in office.
“The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.”
“The strikes used strategic nuclear-capable bombers as opposed to more conventional jets stationed in England in order to "send a strategic message" to other adversaries such as Russia and China, a source told Fox News.”
Lucas Tomlinson
A pair of B-2 "stealth" bombers blasted two ISIS training camps in Libya on Wednesday evening, dropping 108 precision-guided bombs and sending jihadists scattering—many of whom were then "cleaned up" by drone-launched hellfire missiles, U.S. defense officials told Fox News.
The assault killed an estimated 85 terrorists at the camps, which were about 30 miles southwest of the Libyan coastal city of Sirte.
President Obama authorized the action. Most of the terrorists targeted had escaped Sirte after extensive military actions there.
U.S. drones "cleaned up" the operation by launching hellfire missiles that killed a several of ISIS fighters trying to run to safety.
Immediately prior to the attack, the militants were seen in formation carrying weapons and mortars and wearing tactical vests.
The bombers took off from their permanent base in Missouri and refueled at least five times midair during the mission. The planes flew around the world and back without landing.
The strikes used strategic nuclear-capable bombers as opposed to more conventional jets stationed in England in order to "send a strategic message" to other adversaries such as Russia and China, a source told Fox News.
B-2 Spirit stealth bombers had last seen combat in March 2011, helping to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya, Pentagon officials said. "The B-2 Spirit is the world's most technologically-advanced strategic bomber and brings massive firepower to bear, in a short time, anywhere on the globe," Air Force spokesman Capt. Mark Graff told reporters.
Two U.S. Navy ships—the USS Donald Cook and USS Porter—remained in the Mediterranean to provide search and rescue if necessary.
The Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov is about to leave the Mediterranean after hosting a Libyan general, Khalifa Haftar, fighting the U.S. and U.N.-backed government in Tripoli. The Russians reportedly pledged weapons and financial support.
The U.S. has conducted 495 airstrikes in Sirte since August, mostly from drones flown from the region to target ISIS. Marine Harrier jets and Cobra attack helicopters conducted airstrikes as well from a Navy amphibious assault ship off the coast of Libya in August.
At the start of the August strikes, Pentagon officials said the bombing campaign would last “weeks.” President Obama approved extensions to the campaign four times.
Late last month, the U.S. Africa Command announced the bombing campaign had ended.
The military has conducted unilateral strikes two other times since November 2015, targeting ISIS camps and leaders. These strikes originated out of an Air Force base in England.
Since taking office, President Obama has authorized airstrikes in at least seven countries: Libya, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia.
Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin contributed to this report.
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Shep     Jan 19, 2017

Of course, none of this $#!t would be necessary if Dear Leader hadn't destabilized Libya in the first place with a bombing campaign that drove Khadaffi out of power. Instead of a stable dictatorship that had stopped causing trouble for the West, we now have an ISIS-inhabited hellhole that requires B-2 bombing raids to try to keep the lid on—while thousands of "immigrants" now use the place as a conduit to Europe.

I enjoy giving those cheeky wogs a whiff of grapeshot as much as the next guy, but this is absolutely the wrong war, in the wrong place, for the wrong reasons.

The USS Donald Cook was recently involved in some Twilight Zone stuff involving the Russkies:
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