The physical description of Robert is downright touching as is the admission that his pants were so worn as to be colorless and the inference that he ran off barefoot. It is tough, in this instance, to escape the notion that Robert’s owners cared about him.
July 23, 1752
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Run away on the 21st inst. from David Crawford, of Springfield township, Chester county, a servant man, named Robert Porter, born in the north of Ireland, about 5 feet 7 inches high, pale visage, fair skin, his head shaved, slender made, with an innocent countenance":
Had on when he went away, a cotton jacket, and drawers, check, but the colour is scarce discernable now, pretty good felt hat, and white shirt.
Whoever secures said servant, so that his master may have him again, shall have Thirty Shillings reward, paid by DAVIS CRAWFORD, or JAMES CROZIER.
N.B. All masters of vessels are forbid to carry him off at their peril.