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Throw Another Aussie on the Barbie
The Crime/Race War in Australia by Andrew Ryan
© 2017 Andrew Ryan
Organized crime in Australia is primarily an ethnic (non-Anglo Saxon) thing. Way back in 2004, retired detective Tim Priest said in his article “The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime in Australia” in the leading conservative journal Quadrant (January-February 2004, pp. 9-16): “Organised crime groups with the exception of the bikes are almost always ethnically based – any experienced detective will tell you that. The days of Anglo-Saxon gangs are almost gone, with the exception of one or two local beach gangs.” (p. 15)
Asian organized crime is complex and will be covered in another article to keep the length of this one down. After the Italian connection, it is probably the most substantial crime source, and growing especially in its influence over politicians, right to the top of the tree: .
The Italian organized crime connection is very strong as discussed in a book by Clive Small and Tom Gilling, Evil Life: The True Story of the Calabrian Mafia in Australia, (Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2016) and covered since the 1970s by crime journalist Bob Bottom: The Godfather in Australia (1979); Without Fear or Favour (1984); Shadow of Shame (1988); Bugged! (1989) and Fighting Organised Crime (2009).
One newspaper ran a headline “Australia is a “State of Italy” “Italian Police Say Mafia So Entrenched in Australian Politics and Business it is Impossible to Stamp Out”:
The fact that the Italian Mafia, especially the Calabrian mafia:
now blends into the System itself becomes clear once one reads the available evidence:
The mafia control blends in with our corrupt governments, so it is impossible to deal with now, even with an army of Eliot Nesses: . The political system is the mafia, as the article above details. It seems that Asian organised crime and the braches of the Italian mafia cooperate rather than fight but the details of how the turf is divided up are not readily available: .
Then there are Middle Eastern crime gangs, which are relatively new; each ethno-racial each wave of migrants brings in its own gang to add to our “diversity.” Clive Small and Tom Gilling, Blood Money: Bikies, Terrorists and Middle Eastern Gangs, (Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2010)
In November 2016, the Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton upset the ruling multicult establishment by saying that the former 1970s prime minister Malcolm Fraser (who is dead and now in Hell, I hope), made a mistake in bringing in certain types of refugees to Australia in the 1970s. In particular, the “Lebanon concession” was supposed to have admitted Maronite Christians, but instead 90 percent of the migrants were Muslim Lebanese:
Recently released cabinet papers reveal that even back in September 1976 Immigration Department officials felt that the program was out of control and that “the conflict, tensions and divisions within Lebanon will be transferred to Australia.” In November 1976, the Immigration minister at the time, Michael MacKellar said that most of these migrants were illiterate and were admitted without “any regard to their economic viability, personal qualities or capacity for successful settlement.”
Fast forward to 2016 and Peter Dutton’s speech, where he said that two-thirds of those charged with terrorism-related offences in Australia are from second and third-generation Lebanese Muslim backgrounds, all related to the Muslim-Lebanese who came to Australia under the Lebanon concession:
The Australian, November 24, 2016, p. 6.
Dutton also said that historically “first-and second-generation migrants had been heavily involved in crime.” “A classic example of that in the 80s were Vietnamese families in the Cabramatta-Fairfield area (of western Sydney). They became quite notorious when we had large-scale migration. They became quite a problem and significant drug dealers. I think that explains a lot of the problems over the last 10, 15 years with Middle Eastern gangs. There are some similarities… but we’re finding that these youngsters have become more strongly connected than other gangs. They’re persisted longer; the second generation is heavily involved. It’s now come beyond a gang of teenagers misbehaving. It’s become a way of life… they’re recruiting younger people.” (The Australian, November 24, 2016, p. 6)
Tim Priest’s article, cited in the beginning of this piece, was published in 2004, and he correctly predicted that “the rise of Middle Eastern organised crime in Sydney will have an impact on society unlike anything we have seen.” (p. 9) Back in 2004 he observed that the “Lebanese groups were ruthless, extremely violent, and they intimidated not only innocent witnesses, but even the police that attempted to arrest them.” (p. 11) The Australian police, politically correct at the best of times, were heavily under the influence of multiculturalism and practiced “selective law enforcement,” selecting “soft targets” such as the Anglo Saxon population (“Aussies”).
Middle Eastern gangs in Bankstown, Sydney, even 12 years ago had targeted Anglo Saxon Australians in “unprovoked fatal attacks.” And they had no fear of the police. What typically happens is as described by Priest in this incident:
As example of the confrontations police nearly always experienced in Muslim-dominated areas when confronting even the most minor of crimes is an incident that occurred in 2001in Auburn. Two uniformed officers stopped a motor vehicle containing three well known male offenders of Middle Eastern origin, on credible information via the police radio that indicated that the occupants of the vehicle had been involved in a series of break-and-enters. What occurred during the next few hours can only be described as frightening.
When searching the vehicle and finding stolen property from the break-and-enter, the police were physically threatened by the three occupants of the car, including references to tracking down where the officers lived, killing them and “fucking your girlfriends”. The two officers were intimidated to the point of retreating to their police car and calling for urgent assistance. When police back-up arrived, the three occupants called their associates via their mobile phones, which incidentally is the Middle Eastern radio network used to communicate amongst gangs. Within minutes as many as twenty associates arrived as well as another forty or so from the street where they had been stopped. As further police cars arrived, the Middle Eastern males became even more aggressive, throwing punches at police, pushing police over onto the ground, threatening them with violence and damaging police vehicles.
When the duty officer arrived, he immediately ordered all police back into their vehicles and they retreated from the scene. The stolen property was not recovered. No offender was arrested for assaulting police or damaging police vehicles.
But the humiliation did not end there. The group of Middle Eastern males then drove to police station, where they intimidated the station staff, damaged property and virtually held a suburban police station hostage. The police were powerless. The duty officer ordered police not to confront the offenders but to call for back-up from nearby stations. Eventually the offenders left of their own volition. No action was taken against them.” (p. 11)
It is difficult to imagine something like this occurring in America, where the thugs would have been shot early in the episode.
Today these areas of Sydney are much worse and are “no go” areas: . Our media, typically, do not raise the issue.
The race aspect was also covered up when a gang of pedophile rapists, with victims as young as 13-years, had a raping spree in the year 2000. This gang was Pakistani migrants, the “K boys” and the media did their best to cover up the race hate aspects of the crimes, even though race (i.e. Nordic appearance) was used to target the Anglo Saxon victims in the first place and to humiliate them: Paul Sheehan, Girls Like You, (Macmillan, 2006)
Another ethno-racial group engaging in violent crimes are Africans, specifically Sudanese in the Apex gang and its various links, doing home invasions, carjacking and other violent crimes.
By way of background, the South Sudanese “are the fastest-growing migrant community” in Australia, and have an unemployment rate of 28.6 percent, compared to the national unemployment rate of 5.7 percent:
-... because Australian are such “racists.” Well, the capitalists supposedly are:
A. Booth (et al.), “Does Racial and Ethnic Discrimination Vary Across Minority Groups? Evidence from Three Experiments,” Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 74, 2012.
As we have come to expect in Multiculturalia, the ethnic other lacks all agency and is a total victim.
Speaking of victims, let’s turn to the issue of African crime, which even the media admits, exists. Here are some notes and links on this:
• A home invasion by four Apex gang thugs; the daughter now keeps a golf club by her bed – couldn’t she at least have a half-descent weapon like a mattock handle, which costs about $ 20 here in Melbourne hardware shops?
R. Wallace, “At the Apex of a Crime Wave,” The Australian, December 2, 2016, p. 13.
This article also has Victoria’s Opposition Police Spokesman saying:
“There’s a trend towards more serious offending, more risk taking and greater preparedness to take police on.”
• “Sudanese-born Victorians are the most violent ethnic group in the state, police figures show”:
• A pregnant (Anglo) woman aged 24-years, was attacked by four Sudanese Apex gang members using a claw hammer; gang members also carried a baseball bat and an axe:
• Robberies of jewellery stores and other stores in broad daylight:
“African Crime Gang Ransacks Officeworks Stores,” The Australian, November 8, 2016, p. 3.
• Brawls and violent bashings of Anglos by “two groups of teenagers of African appearance”: -...
• A woman was punched in the face and carjacked by men of “African appearance”:
• A woman was attacked by a gang, having her face and neck slashed with a box cutter, after they stole her mobile phone. “The women’s injuries were so horrific they shocked hardened police.” “She was set upon by two males and a female of African appearance”:
• Three home invaders invaded a home and attacked a 53-year-old man with an axe: “teens and of African descent”:
Crime is now so bad that South Sudanese parents are sending their little darlings to boarding schools in Africa to escape the youth crime wave; it is safer to be in Kenya or Uganda than in some suburbs of Melbourne:
“South Sudanese Parents in Australia Sending Kids to School in Africa to Avoid Crime”: . If it is so easy for the refugees to go back to Africa, why do they remain in ‘racist’ Australia?
Distinguished black US scholar Thomas Sowell believes that racial violence, such as the “knockout game” are “early skirmishes in a race war”:
Reasoning along the above lines, Australia too is well down the track to Thomas Sowell’s “race war,” but a one-sided one.
Reflecting on the use of cheap, utilitarian street weapons, we agree with what James LaFond said in Modern Agonistics: A Fighter’s View of Experimental Archaeology (2011):
“The cold, hard fact is, that humans are tool-using predators, and they adapt much more quickly to the use of weapons than to the use of the body as a weapon. Not only is the body a less effective weapon, it takes longer to learn how to use it. The unarmed hero is doomed. The armed villain is destined for victory.”
Eskrima maxim: “Always expect the blade.” According to FBI Statistics, 73 percent of assaults, including rape involve use of a weapon and 91 percent of murders. Over to James…
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PR     Jan 25, 2017

I'm surprised Thomas Sowell wasn't purged from NR. The first link to his articles doesn't work, btw.
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