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Paris Fights the Effects of Crimes Against the Very Rich
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Judge drops rape, kidnapping charges in Raeshawn Rivers trial
“A prosecutor called Bowers' death a brutal slow destruction. She was hit over the head with a mallet, strangled with a cord and set on fire in her grandmother's northeast Baltimore house. “
Some charges dropped in Raeshawn Rivers trial
Judge drops rape, kidnapping charges
Updated: 5:26 PM EST Nov 22, 2016
Jayne Miller
I-Team Reporter
The case against a 15-year-old boy accused in the grisly murder of a Baltimore City College student went to the jury Tuesday.
Raeshawn Rivers is one of three charged with beating, strangling and setting 16-year-year old Arnesha Bowers on fire in June 2015.
The question for jurors is whether Rivers, the youngest defendant, was an equal partner in the crime or whether he was also a victim—one who was too scared to stop it.
A prosecutor called Bowers' death a brutal slow destruction. She was hit over the head with a mallet, strangled with a cord and set on fire in her grandmother's northeast Baltimore house.
Rivers is accused of participating by having sex with Bowers to keep her distracted while two other men, John Childs and Adonay Dixon, burglarized the house. Those two have already pleaded guilty.
Rivers is not the one who actually killed Bowers, but he's accused of getting his co-defendants into the house, then sitting by and doing nothing as the violence started.
"He watched as the people he helped get into the house slaughtered her. This is not a gang murder. It's a spontaneous mess. He is equally responsible for her murder," prosecutor Sharon Holback said.
Rivers told investigators he had nothing to do with the crime and he was scared to stop it, claiming one of the older defendants held a gun to his head.
In her closing argument, Rivers' defense lawyer, Roya Hanna, said: "Mr. Rivers was 14. He was completely and utterly helpless."
Rivers chose not testify. The judge instructed the jury to consider his defense of being under duress.
Jurors were sent home Tuesday night and will resume deliberations Monday.
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