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Black-on-Black Time
The Dindu Flu Spreads
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
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Michigan Man Whose Drug Sentence Commuted By Obama Is Shot Dead
He was executed by his criminal associates. In some 60% of all murders committed in the USA each year both the victim and the perpetrator have criminal records. In other words they are incidents of criminals killing other criminals. 52 % of the murders in the USA are committed by black males age 17-49; some 80% of their victims are other black males.
“This was a very targeted individual, for whatever reason,” said Kaiser. “The people that shot this man knew who they were looking for and wanted him deceased.”
2 stabbed outside Hanover grocery store
This is the look of group fights to come, knife escalation by the losing party.
2 stabbed outside Hanover grocery store
Updated: 10:25 PM EST Jan 24, 2017
By Leah Crawley
Police are investigating a multiple stabbing outside of a grocery store Tuesday night in Hanover.
Officers were called at 7:08 p.m. at 7643 Arundel Mills Boulevard on a report of a multiple stabbing. When officers arrived, they noticed two victims with stab wounds. The victims were taken to a hospital.
According to Anne Arundel County police, two victims were stabbed after an altercation between two parties in front of a Safeway. At this time, there are not any suspects in custody and police are investigating the incident.
Cops arrest man who stabbed teen in Fight on Brooklyn Subway
God robbed - Chalices stolen from Catholic Church
Jeremy, since God is now thought to have been a POC, this is okay, right?
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.”
- John 15:18-20 (NIV)
Waukesha police: Chalices stolen from Catholic church FOUND in Milwaukee; 2 arrested
Megan Pospychala |
WAUKESHA—Waukesha police have located two chalices that were stolen from a Catholic church on January 16th.
The chalices were stolen from St. Joseph’s Catholic Church on East Avenue near Arcadian Avenue.
Police responded to the church around 5:00 a.m. on January 16th after staff members arrived at the church and noticed a safe containing the chalices had been stolen.
The suspect(s) fled prior to police arrival.
Police say over the weekend, leads were established and officials arrested two suspects in connection with burglary.
According to authorities, an exhaustive search led investigators to finally recover the chalices in Milwaukee late Monday, January 23rd. One was found in a home, and the other was found in pieces in a dumpster.
The pastor called the chalices "priceless." They were created in 1938 and belonged to another beloved pastor. He said parishioners had been praying for their return.
"When I told them the bad news, there were people crying. People were very upset because of the meaning of those two chalices so I cannot wait to see the face of joy of some of my parishioners," Father Javier Bustos said.
The Waukesha Police Department is thanking members of the community for having the moral courage to assist the department in bringing closure and recovery to St. Joseph's Catholic Church.
Montpelier, Vt. Celebrates Diversity–First Black On Black Murder Ever!
More on Montpelier, Vermont’s first murder in nearly 100 years. It’s first black on black murder to boot. Can it’s first black on white murder be far behind?
When the Drug Business is too Deadly Rob Banks
harm city
Murder in Toronto Suburb
time & cosmos
uncle satan
crag mouth
advent america
under the god of things
menthol rampage
within leviathan’s craw
Jeremy Bentham     Jan 25, 2017

LOL! Gosh no James. If God is a person of color (POC), or a god of color (GOC) as the case may be, then this theft of the chalices is even worse. You see if God is white then insurance will replace the chalices. The theft of mere property is no big deal then, so calm down. Whereas if a GOC was the victim of such a theft, the artifacts might never be replaced, given the endemic poverty of GOCs in a cold and uncaring universe. So the crime would be an atrocity against an ancient and rich faith tradition. There would need to be some kind of government grant to get this parish new chalices, regardless of any First Amendment prohibition regarding a government establishment of religion. In the meantime this poor GOC church would be reduced to celebrating Holy Mass using red solo cups. There would be frequent human interest stories on TV and in the newspaper depicting this sad state of affairs and asking the rhetorical question of how such a tragedy could be allowed to happen in America. Cuz ya’all white folks are racist that’s why!
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