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‘Pressed Men’
Real Pirates
© 2017 James LaFond
Of an 800 man crew of British seamen 600 were slaves, “pressed men.” Running the ropes end gauntlet may well have been a tradition borrowed from the Native Americans. However, so many British seamen were known to run off from ports, one wonders if running the gauntlet was a tradition, and Iroquois were known as being very light-complected, could running the gauntlet among Indians have been a tradition taken from escaped sailors among the tribes.
The egalitarian, non-racist treatment of black pirates was based on the fact that all of these pirates were escaped from the ranks of the enslaved, despite the fact that the commentators on this documentary do not realize this. There is also a democratic voting tradition and a non-striking one another tradition aboard ship, traditions that hitherto had only existed only among American Indians.
In the guts of this documentary the logic of piracy was lost, that these were escaped slave sailors, escaped slaves, escaped slave-servants, escaped slave soldiers. Of Ann Bonnie and Mary Reed, the two female pirates, we have bastard daughters, meaning they were born of noble men and their white female slaves. White slavery is at the core of the Age of Piracy and every expert skirts the obvious truth to this.
Note that New York was a place where pirates were recruited, where runaway Irish servant boys were known to flee in order to go "privateering," where black and white servants conspired until the 1740s. There was obviously little difference between the boy who runaway to become an Indian or a pirate, but this may not be seen, may not be recognized, may not be known for the truth, for the Lie rules from the servile Throne that is the center of the sentimental precinct of our social mind.
Among other tidbits in this excellent documentary is the origin of the term 'point blank," meaning on a flat trajectory. Think about that, how we have all grown up thinking that “point blank” meant close up, when in fact it means on a flat tragectory, and consider this in the light of the assumption we make about the words slaves and servants to semantic traps that say “black forced laborer for life” and “wage-paid employee,” when in fact slave, servant, bondsmen, convict laborer, redemptioner, and indentured servant all meant he or she who is unfree and subject to tyranny until such time as he or she’s master relents and says that they may go free of their own limited will.
At 118 you get an excellent interview with a well-jaded soul, discussing how group sociopathy naturally resulted from the dynamics of a slave society once certain defiant component parts of that society coalesced into pirate gangs. Note how walking the plank was adapted in cinema legendry, when in fact marooning and execution were the common punishments. Note that most pirates were former seamen. If you were a royal navy captain, being captured by pirates was like having a shipload of Nat Turner’s getting a hold of your slave-owning ass!
Note where Edward Teach, pirate captain of the Queen Ann’s Revenge worked off the southern slave coasts of the English Colonies, where he was cleaved by a Scottish Claymore . A society built on slavery can only result in drug addiction and gang activity. I am convinced that the headsman in the Robert E. Howard story The Black Stranger and the rewrite featuring the character Black Vulmea
are based on Teach's killer. Vulmea seems to be a composite of Black Bart Roberts and Blackbeard. Roberts could only be stopped by a first rate military naval force. The slave galley that was sent to the bottom is a definite sign that Black Bart’s crew were predominantly escaped white servants and slave sailors who knew they were being replaced by African Chattel.
The Wikipedia article on Roberts is noteworthy for its inclusion of the pirate code, a creation of Roberts.
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