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Ron West on Craig Murray, Stupendous Cub Scout Playing Spy
© 2017 Ronald Thomas West
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Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime" -Voltaire
It stretches the imagination a former UK ambassador would make an amateur espionage move worthy of a cub scout playing spy. But that’s what would appear Craig Murray had done in the case of the DNC emails leaked to WikiLeaks.
That Murray would be a high value target for American counter-intelligence to monitor for the reason of his high profile association with WikiLeaks is beyond obvious. For Murray then to state…
“I know who leaked them. I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things”
…goes to the practically bizarre when coming from a former United Kingdom ambassador to Uzbekistan. The UK is little different to the USA in the case of embassies providing cover for spies; in which case Murray should at least have some rudimentary espionage understanding such as YOU DO NOT MEET YOUR SOURCE DIRECTLY WHEN YOU ARE A HIGH PROFILE TARGET OF YOUR ADVERSARY’S COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE HUNTING YOUR (in this case, WikiLeaks) SOURCE(S)
Then, we have WikiLeak’s Assange giving what amounts to a ‘Glomar’ ‘I will neither confirm or deny’ response concerning the murder (assassination?) of Seth Rich when appearing to suggest Rich was the source of the DNC emails leak:
Beyond this, WikiLeaks offering a $20,000 reward for the solving of the Seth Rich murder is laughable, that’s what an upscale American west coast community would offer for the arrest of a serial killer of the neighborhood’s cats. Two million dollars might get two seconds’ attention of a corruptible counter-intelligence agent with knowledge of a professional hit on Seth Rich, twenty million might even net an inside the agency sucker willing to take the exceedingly high risk to one’s life (almost certain death) that would attend selling out an agency hit man for substantial lucre. In truth, the WikiLeaks reward offer amounts to little more than a tabloid publicity stunt.
Narcissism is a blinding thing; and a self-righteous narcissism is no exception. Ambassador Murray could have every good intention but on the face of it, he had seriously screwed up. Murray and WikiLeaks should come clean, there is little to lose. If Seth Rich was a source, and Murray had met with him, there is more to be gained by stating so; there would be nothing given up any intelligence agency involved would not already know. The only thing at stake here would be a hit to ego & image.
Craig Murray stating ‘I had a serious lapse of professional judgement and this almost certainly resulted in the death of Seth Rich’ would be the most newsworthy move WikiLeaks could take if in any respect this were true; to counter the CIA’s ‘the Russians hacked the DNC’ propaganda lie, in which there is much invested by the agency.
Meanwhile, Murray subsequently barred from the United States appears to be, in a manner of speaking, a message to Murray: ‘thank you very much for the lapse of judgement, we have taken full advantage and won’t be requiring your presence after this.’
And were Murray to sincerely, thoroughly investigate the history of Sam Adams, he might be grateful he could not personally attend his receiving an award with a namesake who cynically exploited patriotism to benefit his close associate’s considerable smuggling enterprise –
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