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Against the Great Satan
Baruch K. on the ‘Coming Civil/Global War’
© 2017 James LaFond
One of our message board regulars has his own writing platform.
One of our numerous sharp readers, Baruch K., also commenting as B, is a former US. Military Special Operations soldier who saw what America had morphed into when he came back from The Wars, and in apparent disgust he headed to the frontier of his tribal homeland, from where he is writing about current events.
Baruch is a multilingual bibliophile with a keen eye for narrative inconsistency, who has been an important reader for me in terms of catching mistakes in my posts. This is very important as, since I’m with no publishing house, I don’t have an editor sending out my work for review and depend for that on my posts being critiqued by our readers, for which I thank all of you.
Baruch asked me to take a look at his work and sent me a link to his article about The King of New York taking down The Great Satan. He’s got a clean, direct writing style and I wrote him that I liked it, asking him if I could publish a link to his work and he wrote back:
Yeah, Medium is a big publishing platform. Lots of people on there.
Thanks for your kind words. Sure, you can promote. If I was afraid of anonymous Nazi fags or anybody else, I would not be publishing under my real name. I want people to know which side I'm on in the coming civil/global war.
In Baruch's various articles he reminds me of many a rural American on the Christian Right in his opposition to the policies of his leftward leaning government, a phenomena that I suppose all of us humans [other than the Filipinos, with their savage shit-lord savior] can relate to, as governments around the world tilt leftward, like some pack of hungry puppets bent on eating our minds.
I Will Study this Dumb Deal!
search for an american spartacus
uncle satan
winter of a fighting life
the gods of boxing
into leviathan’s maw
on combat
logic of force
Sam J.     Feb 5, 2017

I'm a Zionist also. I want all the Jews to go to Isrаel to keep them away from us. While we're at it why don't we send all the Blacks and Mexicans to Mexico (my latest great idea). Africa would be even better but if we have a wall might be cheaper to send them to Mexico.

Notice B. sets himself up in opposition to the evil left with Satan worshiping Grammy award shows but...hell it's the same damn (((group))) running that also.

At one point B. says,"...With G-d’s help...". Well what is the "it" that the Talmud says is the promise of "god" (Satan) to the Jews. The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they're Jews and their lives don’t matter. Maybe B. knows this, maybe he doesn't but the Jewish religion is psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.
BaruchK     Feb 5, 2017

>I want all the Jews to go to Isrаel to keep them away from us.

Weren't you crying about how we are hurting the Arabs by being here? For guys like you, whether the Jews are in the US or Isrаel, whether we are religious or not, we're wrong. This is because your hatred of us is rooted in something missing in you, not something we do or do not do.

>hell it's the same damn (((group)))

I don't see any religious Jews involved in your mess. You guys want to serve your own desires, and do so in the same way that your English, Italian, Greek, Roman, Babylonian and Phoenician ancestors did. Orgies, infanticide, blood sport. You've just put a veneer over it.

Some Jews have become seduced by your glamour, turned their backs on G-d and of course risen to the top of your degenerate pile, due to their talents. To the same extent and for the same reason that Jews, one percent of your population, built your navy, nuclear weapons and scientific institutions, they've also built the machinery of your degeneracy.

I would prefer they'd dedicated their talents to learning Torah and building up the Land of Isrаel, personally.

>The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews.

The Talmud says what the Bible says. That all of creation, including Jews, non-Jews, stars, planets, trees, whales etc. are there to serve G-d. In different capacities. It says what the Bible says-that we are His people, set apart to be the bridge to Him for the rest of humanity. And it also says that whoever blesses us is blessed, and whoever curses us is cursed. From your poisonous tone, I can see you are tasting the curses that those who curse us deserve.
Sam J.     Feb 6, 2017

"...Weren't you crying about how we are hurting the Arabs by being here?..."

I point out how the Jews behave and how they are using our armies to attack others. That's hardly crying. Is saying the weather is cold crying? No.

"...For guys like you, whether the Jews are in the US or Isrаel, whether we are religious or not, we're wrong. This is because your hatred of us is rooted in something missing in you, not something we do or do not do..." it's because your behavior sucks everywhere you go. It's hardly my fault that you guys turned Germany into the Weimar Republic with little boys passed around as sex toys in cabarets. It's hardly my fault that you turned the Soviet Union into a mass grave. It's hardly my fault that during the Spanish civil war you people mass murdered so many people. On and on I could go. This not "you not doing anything". This is not "just made up antisemite stuff". These are real events that occur EVERY DAMN PLACE YOU GO. You people are the most vicious, souless people on planet earth. It's not me that's missing something. It's you that's missing something. Empathy for other people. You Jews are a tribe of psychopaths or at least that's exactly the way you act. It's not my fault you've been thrown out of every single country that you've ever been to in any numbers.

"...Orgies, infanticide, blood sport..."

Oh yeah. Who the fuck is involved with blood "Spirit cooking"?

"... risen to the top of your degenerate pile, due to their talents..."

You make my points for me. Supposedly everyone is degenerate but you. You never acknowledge that the degeneracy is directly promoted by the Jew. Notice that as the Jew goes for country to country the degeneracy follows. I defy you to not notice that the USA is largely run by Jews. They control the main print media, radio, TV, internet sites, magazine publishing, book publishing, cable programming, porn programming, etc. but in you warped "poor me Jew mind" it's always somebody else that's degenerate.

As for the Rabbi's being some kindly wonderful symbols of goodness just type ...Rabbi organ stealing...or Rabbi child molestation...into to one of your own search engines.

B. either you're denuded about your own people or you're lying. You need to get out more. Maybe you're Rabbi has brainwashed you like so many others. Don't leave your children alone with him.
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