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'The Happiness of the Knife!'
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
“Thus speaketh the red judge: "Why did this criminal commit murder? He meant to rob." I tell you, however, that his soul wanted blood, not booty: he thirsted for the happiness of the knife!”
– Friedrich Nietzsche, “Thus Spake Zarathustra”.
(Summer of Sam – You must obey the voices!)
No kidding! So he’s nuts, eh?
What’s always interesting about these lunatics is that while they kill for insane reasons they are usually very logical and methodical in how they pick their targets and their time and place of attack. They almost always select victims who will not be able to fight back. Like the Christian church people who were Roof’s victims. They seek to kill, not get into a fight.
None of these revelations of Roof’s various mental disorders are likely to help him. To be found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity or mental disease or defect the defendant generally has to be judged to be so divorced from reality that he didn’t realize he was killing a human being. Most insane murderers understand full well they killed a human being, they simply had all manner of crazy justifications in their minds for doing so.
'Schizoid personality' among many disorders Roof suffers from: Court records
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