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The Cell
Ron West on Washington DC Tearing Itself Apart
© 2017 Ronald Thomas West
Hello James
One for the history books of the damned. Online with live links below:
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime" -Voltaire
The Cell
Pasted in, below -
As we see Washington DC tearing itself apart, I expect there are presently about four ‘deep state’ factions vying for control, inclusive of a Brzezinski aligned rogue CIA cell, set up prior to Obama’s exit, to undermine a Kissinger aligned faction of ’national security professionals’ backing Trump. Both factions are truly nasty players and then you have the apocalyptic Doug Coe led Christian cult, and the USA’s messianic Isrаeli aligned neocon Jewish clique they sleep with, or AIPAC Zionists (Christian & Jewish) embedded in all of this, where there is not only nastiness but irrationality.
All of these elements have managed to secure positions in the Trump administration.
Trump had to toss a political sop to the religious right led by the deep state Coe cult represented in V.P. Pence, as well (the waiting to be confirmed) Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, who was almost immediately sidelined by Trump with his National Security Council changes. Trump should hope Sessions confirmation will fail but Pence is in the loop to stay.
The Coe cult’s Jewish Zionist partners at AIPAC are solidly in via Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. These are two groups that cynically use each other, the messianic (waiting to be saved from themselves) Jewish Zionists require the far more numerous Christian Zionists to advance their ‘Greater Isrаel’ agenda and the fundamentalist Christian Zionists depending on the Jewish Zionists realizing a ‘Greater Isrаel’ to fulfill apocalyptic bible prophecy. Yeah, amazingly, that shit plays at the top levers of power.
Then we have the Brzezinski versus Kissinger visions of global dominance, which differ more in style than substance. Rabid Russophobe Brzezinski, with his more direct & confrontational style, had the upper hand for these past eight years of the neo-liberal Obama rule and now the snake charmer & hypnotist Kissinger’s people are trying to hijack the the Trump national security agenda. This brings us to ‘the cell.’
“Brennan had a 25-year career as a spy overseas and a top analyst and executive at home” -from ‘A Man in Full – exclusive interview with CIA Director John Brennan’ by Irish Central News
It’s nice when the spooks let their guard down, maybe Brennan had too much good Irish beer? By comparison, the CIA website’s Brennan mini-bio is evasive. But now we can know Brennan is a veteran of the CIA’s clandestine services, not merely an analyst and ladder climbing bureaucrat with a stint as chief of station in Saudi Arabia. This is an important distinction.
Obama is our second president with closely interlinked CIA ties in his history (a second, longer and more thorough investigative result HERE), the first being George H.W. Bush. But Obama is the first to altogether attempt concealment of those ties. Nowhere in his biography does Obama admit his mother was a clandestine services officer or that Obama himself had been employed by CIA business fronts as a young man. Meanwhile, mainstream media not only shields Obama from his CIA association but does the CIA’s bidding and has for a very long time:
“In 1953, Joseph Alsop, then one of America’s leading syndicated columnists, went to the Philippines to cover an election. He did not go because he was asked to do so by his syndicate. He did not go because he was asked to do so by the newspapers that printed his column. He went at the request of the CIA” -first paragraph of Carl Bernstein’s ‘CIA and the Media’
CIA information operations opposing Trump continue as though John Brennan had never left and Mike Pompeo had never arrived. This ‘deep state’ phenomenon has been acknowledged by spooks to academia:
“He decided to explore the similarities in a 30-page paper that he sent around to a number of his friends, asking them to validate or refute his argument. As it happens, Glennon’s friends were an extraordinarily well-informed bunch, mostly seasoned operatives in the CIA, the U.S. State Department and the military. “Look,” he told them. “I’m thinking of writing a book. Tell me if this is wrong.” Every single one responded, “What you have here is exactly right”
The difference between Trump-Pompeo and Obama-Brennan? Obama-Brennan both have histories that tie deeply into the CIA clandestine services, they are ‘insiders’, whereas Trump and Pompeo are not. The National Clandestine Service (formerly the Directorate of Operations) is a small, comparatively speaking, highly cellularized organization with absolute ability to perform autonomously; the only checks on such compartments are, in many cases, trust in the personnel assigned. As a historically George H.W. Bush fan club, in many cases stacked with anti-Castro Cuban exiles, making a case for one or more of our National Clandestine Service cells ‘going off the reservation’ to serve personal loyalties, is not a stretch of the imagination. Moreover, it is not far-fetched at all, to propose ‘independent’ cells formed by National Clandestine Service employees and/or veterans, operating without the nebulous agency oversight in relation to covert actions and false flag information operations. The “Russians hacked the elections” CIA information operation and the “fake news” psychological operation, though experiencing serious miss-steps, haven’t slowed down. Again, it’s as though Brennan had never left, and Pompeo had never arrived, at Langley, Virginia.
Since the days of Allen Dulles directorship at CIA, the agency’s National Clandestine Service has been closely intertwined with American corporations pursuit of ‘America’s vital interests’ which is euphemism for taking the natural resources wealth of other nations at the point of a gun with bayonet. From the crude oil grab of the 1953 CIA overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected prime minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, to the present attempted ‘regime change’ in Syria over a gas pipeline, this CIA legacy closely intertwines with the Allen Dulles CIA’s Bush family & family ‘friends’ (corporate interests) for many decades (2nd article HERE)
“Early in 1933, both Dulles brothers [Allen & John Foster] attended a meeting in Germany where German industrialists agreed to back Hitler’s bid for power in exchange for his pledge to break the German unions. A few months later, John Foster Dulles negotiated a deal with Hitler’s economics minister whereby all German trade with the United States would be coordinated through a syndicate headed by Averell Harriman’s cousin. With the Nazis enforcing a favorable climate for business, the profits for Thyssen and other companies soared, and the Union Banking Corporation increasingly became a Nazi money-laundering machine. In 1934, George Herbert Walker placed [son-in-law] Prescott Bush [father of George Herbert Walker Bush, father of George W. Bush] on Union Bank’s board of directors, and Bush and Harriman also began to use the bank as the basis for a complex and deceptive system of holding companies”
The transition from the younger George Bush to Obama had been seamless, with Robert Gates, the former CIA director for a former CIA director turned president (Bush Sr) staying on as Secretary of Defense from Bush Jr to Obama. The brilliance of the Obama ‘hope & change’ psychological operation in fact enabled Obama to push the Bush family’s CIA aligned agenda forward without missing a beat. Gates is so close to George H.W. Bush, he could be considered a brother of George W. Bush. Another dead giveaway it was to be Bush CIA aligned business as usual on Obama’s watch was Obama’s first National Security Advisor, General James Jones, is a close Chevron associate of Condoleezza Rice.
Trump’s ‘election by accident’ (probably no one was surprised by his victory so much as Trump) appears to have thrown a monkey wrench into the gears of what Tufts University Professor Glennon has labeled a ‘shadow government.’ The long out of favor Kissinger fans in the national security apparatus long shot bet on Trump (they had no other candidate) paid off and we see a power struggle playing out with the largely Bush aligned CIA National Clandestine Service, the location or origin of what is likely an Obama-Brennan legacy or ‘the cell’ set out to undermine and wreck Trump’s chances at anything and everything; in addition to what’s more actually tearing this all apart from within: a tale of two visions – Brzezinski versus Kissinger – with CIA largely opposed to Trump but, courtesy of Trump son-in-law Kushner and Isrаeli operatives/allies at AIPAC, Netanyahu’s MOSSAD should be firmly on Trump’s side. The Isrаeli intelligence agency is a by far greater threat to our republic than the Russians. Finally, the Christian apocalyptic Coe cult is one step away from the Presidency with Vice President Pence’s elevation, likely giving at least some of the spooks at the National Clandestine Service second thoughts about knocking Trump off. But, you can’t even count on that, because, the foremost expert on the religious freaks aspect of this, Jeff Sharlet, in a 2003 interview, had stated concerning the Coe cult:
“A lot of their key men in a country would be the intelligence [CIA] officers in the American embassy. Throughout their correspondence, that’s the kind of guy they would like to have involved”
How this plays out is anyone’s guess. Previous to this we had something like a consensus autocracy by concealed committee of separate but cooperating factions (since JFK), is my impression. But they got too greedy for the resources of empire and the whole thing is tearing itself apart as the White blue collar American middle class had been bled to death and the anger mounted, electing Trump. What Trump will do almost certainly won’t be very smart but I actually somewhat (my evil side) enjoy watching the long vested criminal interests sincerely freaking out.
If this all seems impossible for Trump (not to mention the rest of us) to escape without serious harm, I would agree, except for the remote possibility of escape by luck approaching a miracle .. such as the time when walking through tall grass in Vietnam I had stepped on a large brown monocled cobra; where the snake chose to go down a hole at hand rather than bite me.
In any democracy, ethics, self restraint, tolerance and honesty will always take a second seat to narcissism, avarice, bigotry & persecution, if only because people who play by the rules in any democracy are at a disadvantage to those who easily subvert the rules to their own advantage (Ronald’s Maxim)
The Myth of Oil
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Sam J.     Feb 10, 2017

I agree with all of this except

"...attempted ‘regime change’ in Syria over a gas pipeline...". I think this is a ruse for the war in Syria. I believe the war is to fragment all the Arab States into mini States constantly at war as the Isrаeli's said they were attempting to do. Here's a link where they explain how the war is all about the pipeline.

Me, being the curious sort, I decided to search for "pipelines across the mediterranean" and I found all kinds of pipelines. The simple truth is they have to be lying to us. How is it that they can't just stretch a gas pipeline underwater? They can and they're lying.
Ronald Thomas West     Feb 13, 2017

Actually, Yosemite anti-Semite Sam J, it's not really important what you agree with. What would be important would be expanding your awareness with resolving ignorant prejudices -
Sam J.     Feb 13, 2017

"...What would be important would be expanding your awareness with resolving ignorant prejudices..."

I guess you have no prejudices...right back at you.
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