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At the Gringo Ranch
A Return to Extended Family Living at the End of Caucasian Time
© 2017 James LaFond
Now that the Caucasian race has nearly passed the point of no return in the state-mandated race to racial suicide, I have come to learn of five Baltimore area families who have not joined the seven I know that have fled Baltimore since the Purge began in May/April 2015, but who have returned to extended-family living.
This weekend, an old friend, Megan, who was fired from her Baltimore City grocery store job for not saying "yes sir" when racist customers screamed at her and threatened her for being a "white bitch," invited me to have dinner with her daughter and granddaughter, in the small community of Edgemere. Megan now has a job in the neighborhood in their new community, the oldest intact Caucasian community in the Baltimore area.
During this recently past year's joint presidential rejection, Edgemere was the only area of Baltimore County where Trump signs were prominently displayed at businesses! It is a waterfront community of working class whites which share a peninsula with a state park, a peninsula which only has street access at one choke point, has no other foot access, and is over two miles from the nearest extended bus line. Edgmeme is cut off from other residential areas by three miles of industrial facilities.
The head of household is Nikki, a young lady with an office job downtown. Her live-in boyfriend and father of her child, Dino, is not the optimum partner, in that he spends the weekend in jail and works at low wage jobs during the week. However, he is a rough looking, muscular, ethnic white guy who is physically protective of Nikki and their girl, a toddler named nicknamed "Tweet" by Megan—who constantly reminds Dino that he better keep working and stay out of trouble because she's "a tough old polish bitch" and she can still "kick his dago ass"—who takes on the male roll around the apartment when Dino is not there. Megan was able to relax and act like a lady this weekend, as I was coming out for a visit. I had intended to write the last chapter of Rise of the Nords, but ended up with a bunch of Harm City stories from Niki.
Megan and Niki agree that Dino is not ideal, but he works about half the time and is very protective of the three of them, which has recently made a big difference in their survivability, because The Hunt For Whitey is on, and recently the Dindus acting as Reparations Recovery Agents have been stealing cars and cruising deep into the surrounding suburbs in search of the white rabbits whom dwell in the sissy fastness that is suburban Maryland. There is a practical point to be made, that since among young Americans our economy now favors female earners, that such females, rather than looking for a provider for the family, while the State protects them [the traditional Post-WWII nuclear family social contract], should acquire a mate whose primary purpose is protection of the family, as the State has largely forfeited this role over the last two years. It should be noted that the very successful Latin American immigrants in the Baltimore area live in extended-family units. Since the State has successfully targeted that Caucasian and black nuclear family for extinction, and have succeeded, it makes good strategic sense for survival minded people to fall back on the ancient tradition of extended-family living.
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