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The Thing at the Door
In This Twilight of Civilization
© 2017 Mescaline Franklin
If this guy calls the pigs, he gets arrested. In the good ole days she gets thrown in a padded room. A camera now may be a better weapon than a gun in this Twilight of Civilization.
Talk about a horror film…this chick gave some real chills.
Mescaline is the Editor and Chief of Forever Autumn Press, with the title below among his releases.
Hemavore: Terra Side 2572
Joyce’s Mail Box
harm city
Reparations Recovery Agents Foiled by Whitey
the combat space
ball of fortune
the year the world took the z-pill
taboo you
barbarism versus civilization
let the world fend for itself
fiction anthology one
Ishmael     Feb 13, 2017

May I suggest an Daninject, with ketamine, acepromazine, 10 to 1 depending on weight, puts most pigs down quick, he has a good shot at her ass from the window, if he is very careful and stealthy!
Jeremy Bentham     Feb 13, 2017

Wow! Something else, eh? Bitches be crazy! As you say, a video camera is a man's most important weapon of self-defense these days, because one certainly has to see this kind of behavior to truly believe it's possible. Her family probably knows full well she can act like this when she doesn't get her way, as they themselves have no doubt borne the brunt of her wrath on more than one occasion. Of course they will seldom admit their little rose has thorns. It's quite possible the young woman is afflicted with a bi-polar mood disorder (AKA manic depression). Those are chicks to stay away from! They'll stab you, but you'll go to jail. It's not just young guys who need to be on their guard against this either.
Shep     Feb 14, 2017

Swing away, Merle, swing away.
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