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Reparations Recovery Agents Foiled by Whitey
Black carjackers in Jackson get shot live on Facebook during chase
© 2017 James LaFond
I have had my webmaster contact Colin with a link to our Harm City map and he responded back “interesting.”Since he’s a responsible, decent guy who has many cop sources that he doesn’t want to alienate I do not expect him to reply further. I knew I wouldn’t hear from him. I must have used “pig” in the title of a dozen articles! So there goes another chance to put the Baltimore Travel Guide in front of a wider audience.
That said, I love Colin’s work.
‘The Rot of the West’
site reviews
Harm City Today
the lesser angels of our nature
into leviathan’s maw
the greatest lie ever sold
the gods of boxing
search for an american spartacus
crag mouth
the sunset saga complete
BaruchK     Feb 14, 2017

I couldn't understand what the innocent youths were saying.

In my defense, it's been almost five years since I've lived in a properly enriched environment.

Are they saying anything interesting?
Sam J.     Feb 16, 2017

I live in the South and have been around Blacks all my life and I can't understand them either. I notice here that their language is veering even further and further away from English. They simultaneously slur or draw their words out in a Southern way but cut their words off instead of finishing them. They're incredibly hard to understand.
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