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‘An Apprentice Lad’
‘In A Good Beaver Hat’ at That
© 2017 James LaFond
Again, based on the slim reward we have a man running away on short time. To have served six years and runaway, risking an extension of one’s “apprenticeship,” which seemed to have been merely glorified identures might indicate cruel treatment but night also indicate that James had met an accomplice or was, perhaps, at the end of his psychological endurance. Based on his age he would have been sold off just before becoming a man at age 18—a harsh blow to the youthful soul that must have been.
April 24, 1760
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Philadelphia, April 23, 1760.
RUN away, last Night, from George Wells, Shipwright, an Apprentice Lad, named James Sanns, born in Ireland, 23 Years of Age, about five Feet seven Inches high, Pock marked, and has brown Hair:
Had on a green Jacket, good Buckskin Breeches, blue Yarn Stockings, striped Cotton Shirts, but it is supposed he will change his Cloths: He took with him a brown Cloth Coat, a striped Cotton red and white Jacket, a green Velvet Shape Ditto, a good Beaver Hat, and other Cloaths.
Whoever takes up the said Apprentice, and brings or secures him, so that the Subscriber may have him again, shall have Forty Shillings Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by GEORGE WELLS.
N.B. All Masters of Vessels are forbid to take him away at their Peril.
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