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The Coup
Is the CIA Committing Treason? By Ronald Thomas West
© 2017 Ronald Thomas West
Hello folks
Does Trump personifying a moron in deep, deep over his head, justify a clandestine coup by the USA’s intelligence services? Online with live links at:
Pasted in, below -
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime" -Voltaire
This post makes a case Dennis Kucinich knew exactly what he was talking about when he stated:
“An effort by some in the intelligence community to upend any positive relationship between the USA and Russia … there are people trying to separate the USA and Russia so this military-industrial intel [ligence] axis can cash in … There’s a game going on inside the intelligence community where there are those who want to separate the U.S. from Russia in a way that would reignite the Cold War”
In other words, a hostile relationship with Russia is good for business when you’re invested in Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Boeing, Ratheon, DuPont, Booz-Allen, Dow Chemical, Northrup Grumman et-cetera-ad-nausea.
Very few in the larger intelligence community are betting against the CIA in its present & ongoing, treasonous, war with a sitting President of the United States. Ostensibly, a case is being built against Trump, with CIA employing professional, carefully tailored, false flag information operations widespread in media, advancing the notion Trump and his administration cannot be trusted to possess sensitive intelligence without leaking this information to the Russians. What had begun as a clandestine services mutiny of Clinton aligned CIA efforts to derail Trump attaining the presidency, badly mishandled, is grown and spread.
What is actuality going on now, is a concerted attack on the president by an intelligence community with a decades history of having its way in all things, to include a President of the United States in a deferential role, one could even make a case of compliant to subservience. This begins with if the CIA says something is so, such as Trump’s team is a danger to our national security, it must be the case; the CIA now joined in its mutiny by growing elements in the larger National Security estate, inclusive of those many corporate board personalities integrated to this estate, in growing consensus the ‘intelligence authority’ is not to be challenged:
Exhibit one:
“Over the last 15 years, thousands of former high-ranking intelligence officials and operatives have left their government posts and taken up senior positions at military contractors, consultancies, law firms, and private-equity firms. In their new jobs, they replicate what they did in government—often for the same agencies they left. But this time, their mission is strictly for-profit”
Exhibit two:
“From 2004 through 2008, 80 percent of retiring three- and four-star officers went to work as consultants or defense executives, according to the Globe analysis. That compares with less than 50 percent who followed that path a decade earlier, from 1994 to 1998.
“In some years, the move from general staff to industry is a virtual clean sweep. Thirty-four out of 39 three- and four-star generals and admirals who retired in 2007 are now working in defense roles—nearly 90 percent.
“And in many cases there is nothing subtle about what the generals have to sell—Martin’s firm is called The Four Star Group, for example. The revolving-door culture of Capitol Hill—where former lawmakers and staffers commonly market their insider knowledge to lobbying firms—is now pervasive at the senior rungs of the military leadership”
The pecuniary interest is plain as day; Trump has challenged both the defense industry and the intelligence community. The defense industry on the price of the F35 multi-role jet fighter and Trump has called out the intelligence community on its accusations of friendliness towards, and too cozy a relationship with, the Russians. This, following on the ‘Russians hacked the elections’ total nonsense coming from our CIA in deliberate effort by the agency to undermine Trump. But now, the word appears to be out to the former intelligence officers who’re in private intelligence contracting, to join in these propaganda efforts to protect the status quo:
Exhibit three:
“In a recent column, I explained how the still-forming Trump administration is already doing serious harm to America’s longstanding global intelligence partnerships. In particular, fears that the White House is too friendly to Moscow are causing close allies to curtail some of their espionage relationships with Washington—a development with grave implications for international security, particularly in the all-important realm of counterterrorism.
“Now those concerns are causing problems much closer to home—in fact, inside the Beltway itself. Our Intelligence Community is so worried by the unprecedented problems of the Trump administration—not only do senior officials possess troubling ties to the Kremlin, there are nagging questions about basic competence regarding Team Trump—that it is beginning to withhold intelligence from a White House which our spies do not trust”
Going to this immediate preceding, the intelligence community’s reach and leverage over the pecuniary self-interest of corporations is quite wide; exceeding the near total leverage intelligence agencies have over media in identical circumstance – and beyond private intelligence contractors staffed by agency veterans- where if you don’t toe the agency line, your bread and butter lifeline can be shut off with denial to access:
Exhibit four:
“Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return receiving benefits that include access to classified intelligence, four people familiar with the process said.
“These programs, whose participants are known as trusted partners, extend far beyond what was revealed by Edward Snowden, a computer technician who did work for the National Security Agency”
And then, you have intelligence websites have to choose sides and push the CIA’s neo-con agenda to let the agency know you are on board & willing to play ‘team’ ball:
Exhibit five:
“Discord and disharmony are not novel concepts in American political life. But the current situation is anything but conventional. It is not normal for the president to summarily fire the chief legal counsel to the US government—acting or not. Nor is it normal for his national security advisor, a man who is privy to the most sensitive secrets of the US government, to be the subject of a counterintelligence investigation, and for one of his senior aides to be denied a security clearance by the CIA. It is unprecedented for a US president to question the usefulness of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization while seemingly consenting to Russia’s annexation of an important American ally—namely Ukraine. It is equally remarkable to watch conservative governments in Western Europe warn against US policies and even refuse to have Mr. Trump address their parliaments. We are witnessing unparalleled developments of inconceivable magnitude, with implications that may well shape the future of America and its place in the world” [bold added, RTW]
Talk about piling the s**t on with a steam shovel named the great sycophant, the ‘Russia annexed Ukraine’ part is beyond political fellatio. Insofar as Ukraine, Kosovo was a weaker example but set a precedent. When the current Ukrainian regime came to power in what the head of STRATFOR had called “the most blatant coup in history” (correctly noted to have been directed by USA intelligence), Russia acted in its own strategic interest but also with a stronger argument than Kosovo’s enforced split from Serbia by NATO. Crimea had been Russia for 200 years prior to 1954 and its administrative transfer to Ukraine. It’s populace (as cited by the Russians’ in international law) were possessed of the ‘right of self determination’ and there was a referendum held every party to the controversy knew would favor Crimea returning to Russia. As for the Donbass region (southeast), the majority ethnic Russians want nothing to do with the coup government in Kiev. That shouldn’t surprise anyone as it was the leadership aligned with Russia was tossed in the coup. Insofar as corruption, both administrations were/are notorious. The only net gain was heightened tensions with Russia, good for the military-industrial business bottom line.
The western bloc suffers ineptitude and has shown poor leadership & decision making and much of the west’s problems with Russia have been of their own making; not least reneging on George H.W. Bush’s verbal (vital from the Russian view) promise NOT to move NATO’s borders east with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The more NATO moves in ways that can be interpreted as boxing in Russia, the more assertive Russia will become, this is so deeply ingrained in human nature, it’s close to a law of physics. The one-sided perception of this from western view was briefly illuminated by AP reporter Matt Lee when he challenged the Department of State’s John Kirby with ‘You’re moving NATO’s borders to the borders of Russia and claiming Russia is threatening NATO’s borders because Russia has Russian military in Russia.’
Just now Russia has real leadership (whether one admires Putin or not) where the NATO nations have inept-corrupt politicians (for example one need look no farther than the current French campaign) and recently a great American buffoon (you’re fired!) surrounded by competing interests has risen the top, almost all of which said interests are opposed to Trump as a threat to those very interests. Speaking of ‘you’re fired!’ … where is CIA Director Mike Pompeo when it is he should be firing everyone at CIA refusing to cooperate with the new president? Why hasn’t Pompeo stopped the agency in its tracks with the attacks on Trump? Is Pompeo sitting on his hands while looking forward to ‘business as usual’ under a soon to be President Pence?
Trump’s election actually does threaten the balance worked out between special interests in DC, which in turn threatens to upend the entirety of the system’s function for the fact of the system had become so deaf to the desires and needs of its citizens which, predictably over the long haul, delivered us someone, anyone, that wasn’t as the perceived as a bought mainstream or DC insider. That’s how we got Trump.
Odds are, when the dust settles with Trump’s almost certain removal, via a treasonous CIA instigated coup, a new storm will kick up because the root cause will not have been addressed; political apparatus out of touch with the realities and demands of its’ citizenry, including many of the conservative voters who will reject Pence for the very reasons they chose Trump over the several losing competitors in the Republican primaries.
The USA is in deep trouble, both at home and abroad. The old status quo didn’t know how to, or what is worse, didn’t care to repair our national circumstance. Everyone owes too much to special interests for the places they sit at the apex of power. They had to buy their way in and finally the voters delivered them a joker. When the joker is bounced out the door, there will be no returning to business as usual, there is too much anger and too many divisions … and the system is become corrupted to point it is designed to cull any leadership that isn’t beholden to a class that has separated itself from the ordinary. The beginning of the end of empire, as it were. I expect things will get worse before they get better and in fact circumstance may never get better.
This last is because Pence himself represents an apocalyptic religious entity opposed to rule of law based in constitutional order. Ready for literal Armageddon? How does one prepare for that?
When Yellowstone Cums, We Won’t Anymore
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guest     Feb 16, 2017

Here is how William Binney, a former intelligence official turned whistle-blower puts it:

"We were coming into conflict with what I refer to as 'feasting' by the corporations that were leeches on the side of NSA and other agencies of the government, the 'military industrial happiness management complex'. They were keeping each other happy: officials would retire from government, go to work for those corporations, the corporations would send people in to manage the programs, they'd get the contracts back and they'd feed some more.

It's a circle, it just keeps going round. The entire leadership at NSA was focused this way and they wanted no creativity, no innovation, no problem solved, "keep the problem going so the money keeps flowing" that was their vision statement, I just didn't realize it.

They didn't want success, because that means you solved the problem, which they need to ask for more money to feed the corporations."

Trump is throwing a wrench into this symbiosis, so he better buckle up!
Ronald Thoams West     Feb 17, 2017

To 'guest' ... I've appended your comment about William Binney to my original article at, with credit to 'guest' at Thank you.
Sam J.     Feb 18, 2017

I've read that 50% of the agents in the CIA are Jews. I don't know if this is true but I could see it being so. As Jews are always doing they corrupt every thing they touch. So the CIA is dealing drugs, prostituting children, stealing money and selling off all our secrets to our enemies. Times are good! They don't want this to stop.

The reason that we hear the cry of Russia, Russia, Russia so much is the Jews hate everyone that's not kissing the bottom of their feet. Putin stopped the bleeding from the Jewish Oligarchs that took over the country. So the Jews hate them.

"...recently a great American buffoon..."

Of course Trump isn't a genius like Bush, choked on a pretzel

Harry Reid, exercise equipment attacked him

Kerry got hurt playing hockey

I think these people are so blackmailed that when they balk at what the Jews want them to do the Jews just beat the shit out of them.
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