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‘Thomas Heggarty’
‘Bought For the Use of the Speedwell Forge’
© 2017 James LaFond
This ad does not state that Thomas had his contract bought for, or that he was apprenticed to, or that he was indentured to, etc. Historians may wish all they want to reshape history by misconstruing the lain words of primary sources against their own standard of evidence. But they have not yet erased the past. Before they do, it is this author mission to compile it before it is erased from the record. Yes, Thomas tit seems was bought for a term of seven years, which was common for that time. But until those seven years were past, he was as wholly owned by David Caldwell as a chicken or a horse and if Thomas kept running away and was recaptured, he would eventually die in bondage or on the run.
Bought for the use of a Forge?
Owned by a company?
Does that strike a note?
October 30, 1760
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Philadelphia, October 21, 1760.
RUN away from the Subscriber, last Sunday Morning, a Servant Man, named Thomas Heggarty, lately arrived from the North of Ireland, is about 5 Feet 6 Inches high, and 25 Years of Age:
Had on a grey Frize upper Jacket, a blue under Jacket, old Leather Breeches, grey ribbed Worsted Stockings, new Shoes, new Felt Hat, and Check Shirt, wore his Hair tied behind, talks very bad English, and scarcely understands what is said to him.
Whoever takes up and secures said Servant in any County Goal, or brings him to the Subscriber, in Philadelphia, shall have Two Pistoles Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by DAVID CALDWELL.
N.B. As he was bought for the Use of the Speedwell Forge, in Lancaster County, in case he is taken up in or near the said County, it is requested that he may be carried to James Old, living at said Forge, who will pay the above Reward, and Charges. [1]
1. This exposes Mister Caldwell as an absentee slave holder, a speculator in human beings.
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