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‘And Sundry Other Things’
A Seamstress Makes Off With Her Work
© 2017 James LaFond
It seems the lady below intends on setting up shop wherever she finds a safe haven. Based on the low reward and previous terms of service she has a year or so left, which begs the question, why runaway?
July 23, 1761
The Pennsylvania Gazette
Philadelphia, July 18, 1761.
RUN away, on the 17th Inst. from the Subscriber, living in Evesham, Burlington County, West New Jersey, a Servant Woman, named Eleanor Ferrell, born in Ireland, talks good English, is of a short Stature, long visage, has brown Hair;
Had on and took with her, a cross barred dark Worsted Gown, three short Calicoe Gowns, one of them double; three good Shifts, one of them new; three good speckled Aprons, one white Ditto, one red Petticoat, one home spun Ditto, with green, blue and white Stripes; a white Flannel Ditto, a Pair of blue worsted Stockings, with white clocks; one Pair of Leather Shoes, with Straps and Leather Heels; a new Pair of yellow Stuff Shoes, with red Binding; a Pair of odd Buckles, a considerable Quantity of Caps, several Handkerchiefs, and two Silk Ones; a Pair of black Silk Mittens, a new black Silk Bonnet, a Bag, with a Yard of white Linen, and a Quarter of Cambrick in it; and sundry other things.
She served some Time with Joseph Biddle, of Springfield; and Zachariah Rossell, of Mountholly.
Whoever takes up the said Servant and secures her in any Gaol,and gives Notice thereof, shall received the above Reward, and all reasonable Charges, paid by me THOMAS TALMAN.
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