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Trump Smells the Smoke of Sweden Burning
By Andrew Ryan
© 2017 Andrew Ryan
The “false news” media zeroed in on Trump for allegedly speaking of a “phony terror attack” in Sweden and the former Swedish foreign minister wondered what Trump was “smoking”: .
Trump, however, did not state that a terrorist attack as such had occurred in Sweden, but said, “You’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.” Do you see any mention in this of a terrorist attack, at least conventionally defined? No, anyone with eyes would see that this is not so.
It is worth noting in this context, that it takes a lot nowadays for a migrant attack to actually be classified as “terrorism,” because the Establishment does not want increasing bad press for its immigration replacement programs. Thus, if Whites committed the riots and violence, the Establishment would slam this a racist terrorism, as quick as a flash. Have to love the double standard.
What is happening in Sweden? At least recently, we have rioters in the Swedish suburb of Rinkeby, a migrant majority district, burning cars, looting, beating up people and putting them in hospital: . Unlike the unrest in France where there may be police brutality involved that sparked things off, in the Rinkeby riot, the spark was police arresting a wanted migrant at a subway station.
Feast your eyes on the future of the West: ; ; . Look at these videos and tell me if this is not a war zone, maybe not with tanks, but certainly at the civil war level. To ignore this is just like ignoring an elephant in the room that is trying to make sweet love to you.
It has been claimed that the Swedish government is deliberately covering up and protecting migrant rapists because of “European virtues” (or what alternatively could be called “White pathology”), even though “the refugee violence crisis was out of control.” Here is a mountain of proof, if you can wade through this cesspool: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . If you have not thrown up yet, then you have a stronger constitution than me.
Apart from the latest riots, winding the clock back just a bit, we have the story of Swedish police appealing to the public for help in dealing with a wave of violence that was rolling out of control. Here is what one news item said:
“Police in the Swedish city of Malmö made an urgent plea for locals to assist them in solving scores of serious crimes, including dozens of attempted killings, murders, beatings, rapes and other offenses as police struggle to grapple with a spike in violence.
In an open letter, Malmö police chief Stefan Sinteus on Friday encouraged citizens to provide testimonies in a hope that they might help police to find perpetrators in an array of otherwise stalled investigations.
“I can assure you that the police in Malmö are doing everything we can for suspected perpetrators to be held accountable. But we cannot do it on our own. We depend on you, and your witness statements, to solve these violent crimes. Therefore I appeal now to you: Help us,” Sinteus wrote.
The letter followed reports that potential witnesses in the murder of a 16-year-old Iraqi boy, Ahmed Obaid, murdered in the city’s Rosengard district on January 14, were reluctant to provide any accounts after racist threats directed at his former schoolmates were posted under the photo of his dead body.
“They are scared. They are terrified and are wondering who's going to be shot next," the school’s headmaster told Swedish Sydsvenskan newspaper, as cited by the Local.
“People lie and tell untruths to [mis]direct us. It is a problem for us", former investigator JB Cederholm told Sydsvenskan.
Rosengard, which has received media attention as the “most notorious refugee ghetto” of Sweden, has an over 80 percent migrant population, predominantly of Middle Eastern, African and Eastern European origin. It has repeatedly been a scene of gang and multi-ethnic violence and is prone to social unrest, with less than 40 percent of its residents having a job.”
In fact, we have this article from the New York Times:
, indicating that Swedes are taking the first baby steps in recognising that they may have an immigration problem, as Trump had warned them.
Thus, Sweden, don’t worry about what Trump is smoking; worry about the smoke from the burning of your own cucked cities!
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