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'What Were They Like?'
Urban Skinheads 'Back in the Day': A Man Question from Steevo Bristol
© 2017 James LaFond
"You know, you see this stuff on TV about badass skinheads—The Travolta character on The Taking of Pelam 123. But what were they like back in the day?"
I told Steevo, "They were whiggers—they were just jealous of black guys being the only guys who were allowed to be violent criminals. If a black dude stuck up a liquor store his mom supported him, might even cuss out the judge. But if a white kid did the same thing, his mother might end up sleeping with the arresting cop and then make him go to some gay psychologist for therapy.
"Just like the blacks, the white skinheads that I knew, had no father in their life or their father was a complete asshole. In one case—the guy who had his act together—his mother was bat-shit crazy. To me the skinhead movement of the eighties was based on jealousy of black gang culture, which was based on jealousy of the formerly intact family culture. I basically got off the hook with the guys that were discussing whether or not to shank me for hiring black employees, because one of the guys had seen me playing with my son in the yard and that was something they had all wanted and hadn't had, so they respected me and gave me a pass. In fact, Baltimore Area Skin Heads, or BASH had a platform member named Thadeus who was black and was considered the coolest guy in the gang. In the end they just got into cooking PCP. I think the only serious counter attack against blacks in Baltimore was when my friend, stabbed one of them in the balls in Patterson Park and that was a lone wolf thing he did, wasn't really a group operation."
Steevo came back with a wry smile and said, "So it's like White Mike on The Wire, 'White Power, Yo?'"
We both laughed of the era of thug mimicry in Baltimore and called an end to our lunch break.
What I Neglected to Tell Steevo
I have second hand information about two skinhead groups in Pennsylvania that indicate they were much more into white identity than the guys stuck in Baltimore, most of whom had absent fathers—and some I suspect had mudshark mothers—and were largely without examples except for the blacks surrounding them. The Pittsburgh skinheads that my friend Rick lived with for a while in the early 1990s sounded like savage bullies and tended to white protection rackets rather than racial strife. The only thing I really knew about the York PA skinheads was that they tried to kill my cousin when he quit the group and came very close to succeeding.
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Sean     Feb 26, 2017

Most skinheads and nationalists I knew back in the day all were without strong father figures in their lives. It seemed 50/50 on whether or not their belief system was based on abject fear of minority culture or pure belief in the cause. The secondary behavioral concept was a landing spot for people to find acceptance and comfort within their own fractured and shifting cultures.

Today from what I see and know it has definitely shifted more toward family oriented/survival groups that want to actually reclaim an identity and culture as opposed to hating others.
James     Feb 27, 2017

Thanks for the input, Sean.

I am really hoping that the impulse that once led to the Skinhead movement will keep going in the direction towards family and masculinity and away from drugs.
Sam J.     Aug 3, 2017

My becoming a WN was strongly influenced by 9-11. After I found the Jews set up the whole thing I started looking at history with a more critical eye and I determined that the brave new multicultural USA was going to be a nightmare with Whites getting the stick. WN is the default position for anyone looking critically at multicultural countries long term performance. It's more common sense than hate. My dislike of Blacks is because I've lived around them my whole life. Even Blacks don't like Blacks.
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