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Dark Ages Death Sentence
By William Rapier
© 2017 William Rapier
A Danish man, who filmed himself burning the Quran, and placed the film on Facebook, will be charged for blasphemy, the first prosecution in 46 years: .
Here is what Denmark’s Jan Reckendorff, from the public prosecutor’s office in Viborg, said: “It is the prosecution's view that circumstances involving the burning of holy books such as the Bible and the Quran can in some cases be a violation of the blasphemy clause, which covers public scorn or mockery of religion.
“It is our opinion that the circumstances of this case mean it should be prosecuted so the courts now have an opportunity to take a position on the matter.”
Thus, an ultra-liberal culture, one where Christian values have been subjected to a culture of critique and deconstruction, now defends Islam. People may wonder why the Left expend so much energy defending Islam when many Islamic values seem to be in conflict with Leftism. Nevertheless, the conflict is only skin-deep. The Left seeks a globalist religion to call its own, after the failure of atheism. It seems to have settled on Islam as its religion. It will tolerate inconsistencies such as in areas of women’s rights and the like, because it must regard such anti-Enlightenmentism as only superficial and not of major significance.
In Sydney, high school officials have embraced a literal interpretation of a hadith (reports of the customs of the Islamic prophet), that Muslim male students do not have to shake hands with females: . Schools allow Muslim students to take leave during the singing of the Australian national anthem: . Many Australian universities also advise students, that Muslim’s beliefs that males should not shake hands with females should be respected. (The Australian, February 23, 2017, p. 5) Other universities permit Islamic students to have segregated meetings involving males and females: .
All of this has been described as creeping sharia, and once one accepts that the Left has embraced Islam as their globalist religion, their opposition to any form of border control and immigration vetting, can be decoded.
Why else would a group of (white) feminists, who were proposing to endorse Islam as a symbolic gesture of solidarity with Muslim women, savagely turn on one heretic calling her “Islamophobic,” when she said that “any endorsement should be qualified by an explicit rejection of misogynistic sections, such as the exhortation for men to beat women”: ; .
Swedish feminists happily donned the hijab when visiting Iran: .
The coming of sharia law will indeed be a Dark Ages death sentence.
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