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Bring Then All In, Every One of Them
By William Rapier
© 2017 William Rapier
Some indication of the enormous economic costs of immigration are given by Breitbart news in a cost estimate of the amount of money that will be needed to support the 519,018 refugees who have been resettled by the United States government since October 2009:
The cost is US $4.1 billion. The article grimly notes, “Even if the Trump administration were to entirely shut down the flow of refugees into the United States in FY 2018 and beyond, the refugees who have already arrived in the country will cost at least another $3.5 billion in 2018, and about $2 billion to $3 billion annually thereafter until FY 2022 and beyond.”
The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, in its September 2016 report, The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration, estimated that the total annual fiscal impact of first generation immigrants to the United States and their dependents, averaged across 2011-2013 is US $57.4 billion. The report gave this summary of US immigration between 1995 and 2014:
• “The number of immigrants living in the United States increased by more than 70 percent—from 24.5 million (about 9 percent of the population) in 1995, to 42.3 million (about 13 percent of the population) in 2014; the native-born population increased about 20 percent during the same period.
• Annual flows of lawful permanent residents have increased. During the 1980s, just under 600,000 immigrants were admitted legally (received green cards) each year; after the 1990 Immigration Act took effect, legal admissions increased to just under 800,000 per year; since 2001 legal admissions have averaged just over 1 million per year.
• Estimates of the number of unauthorized immigrants in the United States roughly doubled from about 5.7 million in 1995 to about 11.1 million in 2014.”
A November 2015 study from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS),
, found that “in their first five years in the United States each refugee from the Middle East costs taxpayers $64,370—12 times what the UN estimates it costs to care for one refugee in neighboring Middle Eastern countries.”
When the United States, and the West, collapse into bankruptcy, you will know why. As the socialist chant: “Bring them all in, every one of them.”
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Shep     Mar 2, 2017

Head 'em up—move 'em out:
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