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The CIA's Dirtiest Dirt
Ron West Yanks the Great Satan's Beard Once Again
© 2017 Ronald Thomas West
Ron West
Hello folks
This one goes to how beyond insidious our USA (CIA) relationship is to the larger Islamic world. If ever there were a case for disbanding the CIA, this would be it. Online at:
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
The Poisonous Toad
A creation of the social sciences laboratory at Langley, Virginia, there is a poisonous toad in the field, perhaps comparable to a bt toxin genetically engineered into an otherwise clean crop, could be the metaphor. Prior to the CIA metastasizing a Salifist cancer via the fundamentalist Wahabi Saudi Arabia, and the creation of al Qaida when sponsoring Jihadis to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan, Sufi influenced Islam had been a quiet, hospitable, moderate and stabilising force throughout much of the Islamic world. The lab techs at Langley couldn’t have messed this up any better than a social-science-fiction horror movie. They wrote the script something like this:
Following on dumping many hundreds of millions of dollars into paying, feeding, arming and otherwise supplying the many thousands of Arab & other volunteer ‘Afghani jihadis’ who were motivated via radical Saudi Imams as ‘holy warriors’, the CIA initially abandoned these thoroughly radicalized, but now unemployed, Salafist militia. At loose ends, some of them hooked up in Somalia and brought a ‘Blackhawk Down.’ At least that’s the partial truth and ‘alternative’ line Langley would have you believe, in the day and age where any curious person can sort the CIA was responsible for the birth of al Qaida; the Afgan-Frankenstein brain child of Zbigniew Brzezinski midwifed into existence by George H.W. Bush and Robert Gates in the 1980s. But in actuality, many of these fighters found continued employ in the ‘clandestine’ service of the USA; as many now perfectly Russian hating jihadis were funneled off to Central Asia, the Russian Caucasus, and so far as Western China, to terrorize and destabilize the entire region on behalf of the usual suspects; western big oil corporations and the armaments industry they employ in the attempted strong-arm robbery of nations. The vehicle utilized to coordinate this? A socially illiterate, poisonous toad.
Where would the CIA’s Robert Gates’ lieutenant & Central Asia hit man, Graham Fuller, insert a poisonous toad? Amphibians require a clean environment, and Sufism was the cleanest environment in Islam:
“To Sufis, the outer law consists of rules pertaining to worship, transactions, marriage, judicial rulings, and criminal law—what is often referred to, broadly, as “qanun”. The inner law of Sufism consists of rules about repentance from sin, the purging of contemptible qualities and evil traits of character, and adornment with virtues and good character”
In other words, the ‘inner law’ of the Sufis could be (and has been) described as ‘waging Jihad on all that is inferior in the self.’ A Sufi centered community would be the location you would find the least corrupt and least corruptible persons in Islam. A perfect cover for CIA social scientists wishing to further pursue world class crimes.
The logic must go something like this; having morphed much of the Arab and larger Islamic world into victims of the ultra-radicalized Salafi sect or offshoot of medieval Wahabi Islam centered in Saudi Arabia, where people are executed for so much as possession of new age literature and method of execution can include crucifixion, it would seem the CIA needs to come up with a project to ‘moderate’ Islam into a ‘kinder, gentler world.’ But because this is CIA, that ‘kinder, gentler world’ should also be a vehicle to further the interests of its corporate sponsors.
The answer? Build a world-class, private schools system, costing billions, spanning the globe, where Sufism is the underlying philosophy and place an educated to 5th grade CIA asset who is dirty as sin, but eloquent and nominally Sufi, in place as a figurehead. This toad (a bigger fraud than L Ron Hubbard) will do whatever he’s told to do, because he is not competent to chew gum and tie his shoes, let alone run the logistics of this thing. Then, after having attracted sincere Sufi talent to staff these schools across much of the non-Arab Islamic world, use the entirety of this vast system to provide cover for your agents who’re running false-flag and other terror operations, coordinating international narcotics trafficking, as well gun running to al-Qaida and numerous, related spin-offs, to include Islamic State, while 90%+ of this Sufi education network are kept sincerely clueless as to the real goings on.
Then, when it all starts falling apart, as it has in Turkey, sit back and pretend none of this could be farther from the truth, as the least corruptible community in Turkey, the Sufis, are fired from their civil service jobs in the tens of thousands for the fact they are Sufi and to be Sufi is now associated with Graham Fuller’s CIA introduced poisonous toad: Fethullah Gülen. The Sufis, left un-tampered with, could have brought Turkey forward in many positive respects, with adherence to an authentic, and moderate, rule of law. Instead, since Turkey’s Erdogan has fallen out with his former partner in crimes against Syria, the CIA, the Sufis have been largely purged from Turkey’s civil service, enabling the corrupt to the core Erdogan administration to replace the many upright Sufis, on the pretext of an anti-Gulen purge, with cronies. Now, if/when the paranoid, narcissist Erdogan is finally removed from power by the CIA, following on this past year’s failed coup, a thoroughly corrupted and weakened Turkey will be ripe for exploitation. It seems almost as if it could have been planned that way. Never was a more cynical or greater CIA crime committed against the wider Islamic community.
And so it is, ‘life’ goes on…
Logic 101 for White Genociders
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Ishmael     Mar 4, 2017

The cancer has grown out of control, to late to cut our arm off!
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