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Escape from America Update: 3/7/17  
The Truth About the Canadian Border Crossings, Not What it Seems
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
Trump Travel ban could help Canada
Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 6, 2017
This was an interesting little nugget buried in an otherwise mundane news report.
Trump’s travel ban will aid Canada. The boy and the man photo from
It seems that some of those migrants from the Middle East and Africa, trying to get in to Canada across our northern border, actually intended to get to Canada anyway by first obtaining visas to travel to the US.
Here is the story at Arab News:
The recent wave of migrants to Canada originated mostly from East Africa and war-torn nations such as Syria.
Federal police and immigration officials said some refugees appeared to have intended from the start to come to Canada after flying to the US on a visitor visa.
Failed asylum seekers are illegal aliens!
Others decided to come only after they were denied asylum south of the border, or because they feared deportation amid the current US crackdown. [Trump should be able to bring those numbers down by DETAINING those who failed to be granted asylum! They shouldn’t be wandering loose around the US anyway!—ed]
From Jan. 1 to Feb. 21, a total of about 4,000 people filed refugee claims in Canada, up from 2,500 during the same period last year.
The figure includes border jumpers and those arriving from the US at border checkpoints.
Local officials say at least 180 asylum-seekers have crossed the border near Emerson since January.
So, if Trump’s expected new EO does ban travel for a time from 6 or 7 mostly Muslim countries, less should be getting in to the US on a false pretense, and consequently less would be heading to Canada from here. Right?
Here are a few of our previous posts on the latest buzz on the Canadian border. Here is another one.
'Swiss cheese border'
Canadian border patrol union calls for hundreds more workers as it struggles to cope with wave of immigrants fleeing to the country on foot from Trump's America 
By  Anna Hopkins For 
Mail Online | 2017-03-05T18:54:31+0000
·  Dramatic photos show asylum seekers flooding into Canada across unmanned borders every day
·  The Customs and Immigration Union wants to implement a 300-person team to man the border 
·  One port in Montreal, the Saint Bernard Lecolle, has seen more than 200 illegal entries this week alone  Number of asylum seekers crossing into Canada has increased since Trump's election in November  
The Four Masculine States
A Lovely Little Sprinkling of Gayness
z-pill forever
taboo you
menthol rampage
shrouds of arуas
sons of arуas
song of the secret gardener
your trojan whorse
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