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On Assassinations
By Ron West
© 2017 Ronald Thomas West
Hello James
Here’s one for history & posterity, online with illustrations and live links at:
Sort of an Agatha Christie ‘the butler did it’ but CIA is the author and the ’surprise’ is the hired help...
Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime" -Voltaire
^ Mickey MOSSAD
The CIA’s concubine, Associated Press, has run an article on Iranian musician Shahin Najafi, picked up by the CIA’s favorite street hooker, The Washington Post, describing a Tel Aviv concert where an Iranian dissident teamed up with an Isrаeli dissident; in a concert undermining the deliberately cultivated, political poison practiced on all parties part, Iran, Isrаel and the USA.
With an Iranian ‘fatwa’ hanging over his head, Shahin Najafi should now understand he has made himself the target of not only Iran’s secret service but has just put a bull’s eye on his back for MOSSAD & CIA as well. How is that?
The Assassins
This next, however mere supposition, is a valid line of inquiry; as too many Russian diplomats have been dropping dead in recent months. But these are the obvious in circumstance where the rogue intelligence agency has taken off the gloves and will resort to anything goes. Here, it is the less obvious proposed as numbers one & two on the CIA’s assassinations ‘laundry list’
Boris Nemtsov posed precisely ZERO political threat to Putin. Realizing this, one can only wonder whether the murderous spooks at Langley had decided Nemtsov was more valuable dead, with his death pinned on Putin, than Nemtsov would ever be effective alive. Demonizing the ‘thug’ and ‘killer’ Putin has been the high sport of the USA’s CIA bed-partner, the Western press. Which brings up this next:
Kim Jong-nam was even less threat to Kim Jong-un, and possessed sub-zero value while alive, to the CIA; he wasn’t political, kept a low profile and for the most part, entirely minded his own business. But a deliberately sloppy assassination, by default pinned on the crude by nature North Korean state, would see a priceless propaganda return, for pennies on the investment in Kim Jong-nam’s murder. This post is not the only source taking this line; as we’ve discovered concurrently published investigation following the assassins tracks to South Korea (they should look for further tracks to the CIA’s chief of stations in Tokyo & Seoul.)
Next Up?
Following on the CIA co-opted American media making a big story of Shahin Najafi’s dissident art, a MOSSAD or CIA hit on Shahin Najafi would make perfect sense. Not only for the immense propaganda value that should come with framing Iran for a hit Iran’s ayatollahs had pre-positioned themselves to receive blame for, but would remove a pro-peace, counter-propaganda irritant for the deep state behind both MOSSAD and CIA.
Watch Your Back Closely Shahin Najafi, because any naïf who’d believe the CIA doesn’t employ professional killers (CIA assassination most definitely isn’t all about drones) should have a read about Enrique Prado:
“Enrique “Ricky” Prado’s resume reads like the ultimate CIA officer: veteran of the Central American wars, running the CIA’s operations in Korea [bold mine, RTW], a top spy in America’s espionage programs against China, and deputy to counter-terrorist chief Cofer Black — and then a stint at Blackwater. But he’s also alleged to have started out a career as a hitman for a notorious Miami mobster, and kept working for the mob even after joining the CIA”
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