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Breeder’s Digest #12
Beggars at The Gate
© 2013 James LaFond
“America is finally starting to behave like other countries.”
-Ajay on the 10/5/13 D.C. immolation
In medieval times the lords and ladies who ruled Christendom under the wise stewardship of the largest child-abuse union in human history believed in charity; specifically that giving to the needy would get them to heaven. On Alms Day the castle gate would open, and The Lady would emerge to bestow her change upon the most wretched examples of her husband’s earthbound slaves, while he was out patrolling the countryside for the least wretched examples of his slave farmers’ daughters. In order for this scheme to enjoy the stability of perpetuity, it would not due to fix any of the causes for poverty, for without the impoverished there could be no meaningful charity, and without meaningful charity, how was The Lady of the castle supposed to earn a place in heaven for her and her less pious husband?
Is it any different today?
Yesterday I was breakfasting at a diner, which had the overhead TV tuned into one of the Imperial Television News Networks. Two rich women, and one rich man, were charged with comforting me. They spoke to a guest, a criminal named Nancy with a Greek-sounding last name, who is part of the corporate junta that owns me. The conversation was concerned with the possible interruption of poverty benefits due to a disagreement between the two factions of the junta. While I was supposed to believe I was viewing journalism, I could arrive at no conclusion that did not place these four rich people firmly in the same interest group. Nancy was ‘The Lady at the gate’, promising alms for the loyal in good time.
Some Related Facts Concerning Average Annual Income of U.S. Citizens
Senior on Social Security: $12,000
Soldier on Deployment in Afghanistan: $38,000
The Salaries of the Corporate Junta, Enjoyed for Life!
President: $450,000
Congressman/woman: $174,000
Speaker of the House: $223,500
Senate Majority/Minority Leader: $194,400
Narco State News #4
The King’s Hand
night city
by the wine dark sea
z-pill forever
songs of arуas
dark, distant futures
sons of arуas
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