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'If You Win You Won't Have to Explain'
The Paleface Forum A-1 Summary by Jeremy Bentham, Barracks Room Counsel for Radio Free Dindustan
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham & James LaFond
Paleface Forum: A-1
Man, Woman Sentenced for Terrorizing Partygoers
FYI. James asked me to look into the case of Jose Torre et al down in Douglas County Georgia for him. Apparently a lot of young white nationalists thought he wasn’t sympathetic enough to these people’s plight when they ran afoul of the law and received lengthy prison sentences. So I looked into it and my take was that that ship was already holed below the water line and was sinking fast, so it was not something on which you wanted climb on board. I knew it was not a cause that James would find it in himself to respect or admire and said so. In my estimation is was too messed up to rationally defend, despite the fact that the sentences imposed were excessive and unjust.  There are plenty of other cases out there of whites being persecuted that can be defended with greater certitude. Way too many others. Especially ones you can defend without having your judgement called into question. Well this position outraged some WNs who thought James and I threw those folks in Georgia “under the bus” for no good reason. One of this blog’s frequent commenters, “Sam J.”, was particularly incensed. I posed some questions to him to get some clarification on what was bothering him to better address his concerns. He obliged.
So dear blog readers, for your information and entertainment I will share this correspondence with you. With James’ permission, of course. Here are parts of Sam J.’s comments and my overall response.
Jeremy : Sam J., you are being very vague and unhelpful. I for one can’t figure out what you are really driving at. Other than that you are displeased that we (James, Ishmael and myself) are not reacting to this case in a way you believe we should. On top of that you are putting words in our mouths. You are inferring insults where none have been made or have in any way been intended. That is how Jews typically act incidentally. Is that the way you want to be perceived? Like a Jew? I don’t think so. ; Family Guy Peter, Mort and Quagmire Interrogation -Jewish Miranda rights.
Tell me then, what would you consider to be appropriate moral support for Jose Torres and Kayla Rae Norton? I’m not trying to be a smart ass here. I am sincerely attempting to solicit an honest straightforward answer. Clearly we think differently about this issue as a consequence of our different priorities and sensibilities. This is your opportunity to instruct us all Sam J.
For example what statement would you most like to see the James website make regarding the case of Georgia versus Jose Torres, Kayla Rae Norton, et al?
Sam J. : "...Sam J., you are being very vague and unhelpful..."
The main beef I have is in no way vague. You purposely belittled and insulted these people because they don't meet your definition of toughness. You're using the "story" of the State that is oppressing them and us to define and explain what went on. I repeat again. They did not purposely go to these kids house to interrupt their birthday party. They were riding around the county and were attacked by stone throwing Negros. It's perfectly reasonable to defend yourself with a shotgun if people are throwing stones at you. It may not be liked by the state and fit in with their crush the White Man stance but it's reasonable. All of you are giving them moral cover. There's another situation that's very similar. American stick Man. He was just released. Why. He wasn't thrown under the bus like you guys did these people.
"...Tell me then, what would you consider to be appropriate moral support for Jose Torres and Kayla Rae Norton?..."
First stop attacking them. Stop belittling them. Stop acting as if they don't deserve the right to protect themselves form people attacking them.
I think it's extremely likely that if they had a better lawyer they wouldn't be in place they are in. If they would have had the same support as stickman I bet they wouldn't be serving 35 years. I sincerely doubt they thought or anyone thought that they would get so much time. it's an outrage. It seemed to even stun the Niցցers.
"...You are inferring insults where none have been made.."
Your words,"...sad case in which some foolish and childish white people...".
I stand by all my other statements of how your "brilliant plan" to attack the Leftist ruling elite, the Deep State Communists, the Globalists, “the Woman”, is bound to failure if you dump on, ridicule and declare not worth the trouble anyone who fights back and doesn't live up to your "standards".( Once again I admit I'm so stupid that some points of your brilliant White defense plan escape me).
"When you want to help people, you tell the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell people what they want to hear." - Thomas Sowell
Fair enough Sam J., thanks for that. Ok, I gave you a fair hearing, but now I’m going to have to disappoint you again. Bottom line up front: I haven’t changed my mind. So if you believe that James and I are just old hard-asses, too harsh and judgmental, with standards of deportment for whites that are way too high, well that is just too bad. Not going to change. But hey, I’m just a humble associate blogger, you don’t need my approval if you feel you want to “do something”. You don’t need James’s endorsement either. Just do it! If you don’t think my observations or advice have any value, then don’t pay any attention to them. Do something else. Show some initiative young man. Keep in mind our adversaries the white SJWs, the dindus, the Deep State bureaucrats and others don’t need any marching orders, they KNOW what to do already and they are doing it. Nobody can prove anybody told them to do anything (at least ‘til Project VERITAS and WikiLeaks, but even that evidence has yet to result in any indictments). Lesson Learned. Frankly I’m inclined to suspect that you are trying to trick us all into inciting violence on this blog so the security organs of the Deep State can shut it down. Is that what you are Sam J., some kind of agent provocateur? The fact is we don’t know who or what you are. We certainly can’t take your word for it if you are not an enemy agent. That is an example of playing it smart, or at least not being dumb and letting your enemy sucker you into an obvious trap. Yes I have high standards for playing it smart and not making unforced errors in this game when such could all too easily get you thrown in prison with the dindus for a long, long time. As we have just witnessed in Georgia. So don’t do that! If you support what went down there then I must seriously question your judgement. Your motives as well.
Now I have some other points to make in regard to how ill-conceived and ill-advised this escapade was such that it can serve only as an example of what not to do, but for the sake of space and the benefit of our readers, and as always with James’ permission, I will expound further in a blog entry.
1. First of all the timing of the “Respect the flag” parade was ill conceived being undertaken a month after the Dylan Roof murders. If they would have held the rally in their own neighborhood, on their own lawn, it would probably have come off peacefully and just been a curiosity to the local TV news (good publicity). But since they choose to enter into black neighborhoods with their truck convoy flying the “stars and bars” they guaranteed there would be an ugly confrontation, both with blacks and with the police. Given the political climate at the time it was guaranteed that once any confrontation with blacks ensued law enforcement would land on them with both feet. Clearly they had no plan for actions on contact with the enemy. Then they got suckered into a confrontation in the hood in front of a house hosting a child’s birthday party that they could have and should have driven away from. Instead they got video-taped pointing guns and shouting the n-word at the party goers. The video evidence is what got them indicted by the grand jury and then convicted and sentenced to 35 years collectively. The video evidence was obviously so damning that Torres’ and Norton’s defense attorneys were unable to put any kind of good face on their actions or even get any clemency for them. Lesson learned: if you are holding a demonstration make sure some of your own people are making video recordings of events to tell your side of the story. Don’t let your enemy’s side of the story be the only one that people get to hear and don’t let your enemy bait you into doing and saying things you’ll come to regret later.
2. Sam J. Your words,"... “…sad case in which some foolish and childish white people...".
Yes, I did say that. I apologize. Believe or not I did not mean that as a gratuitous insult. Poor choice of words on my part. On reflection I should NOT have directed my comment ad hominin (at the person) but at their behavior. I should have said they “acted in a foolish and childish manner”, not that THEY are foolish and childish. In the days of my youth I myself was called much worse by my elders for getting in much less trouble than Torres and Norton did, but I guess I failed to take into consideration how hypersensitive to criticism some people are nowadays. But that is my conundrum Sam J. As Forest Gump’s mother said “stupid is as stupid does.” In other words doing stupid things is what makes you stupid. So in this case it is hard to separate the people from the behavior. I simply cannot find it in myself to say anything complimentary about what Jose Torres and Kayla Rae Norton, et al did that day or how they comported themselves in court. The whole thing was so ill conceived and ill advised and poorly executed that it horrifies me. So on further reflection I am going to stick by what I said, warts and all. Like Mom and Dad were wont to say “if we didn’t care we wouldn’t get upset when you misbehave, we’d just let you run wild.” Had Torres and Norton asked my advice before the fact I would have implored them not to do it out of concern for their safety. No matter what angle I look at it from its looks to me like something that was doomed to end badly. Now Jose and Kayla Rae are in prison and their children are likely living with relatives or in foster care. As Dr. Phil would say. “How’d that work for you?” So if you or any others find my criticism to be belittling, a stinging rebuke, good! Fucking wise up! I hope and pray it makes you every other WN learn from the errors of these people and not repeat them. I’ll support people who fight back but I sure can’t support anyone who insists on fucking up so badly that it puts them beyond any help of their friends and allies. They make anybody who tries to support them look like fools. The government is on the side of the Dindus and SJWs so right-wing white folks in the aggregate need to fight smart, pick their battles with the savvy of the Viet Cong, or else they are all doomed for certain. Plus if you’re going to be revolutionary you’ve got to be tough, keep your composure  and take your punishment like a man, otherwise you’re not going to get any kind of respect, that’s just the way it is. If you can’t see any of this, then yes, you are stupid Sam J. and we probably shouldn’t waste any more time on you. Time to stop feeding the trolls.
3. Keep in mind that Kayla Rae Norton confessed to her crimes in open court:
“With tears in her eyes, Norton spoke directly to several of the family members who were at the party.  “What happened to you was horrible. Mother-to-mother, I can't imagine what it was like to explain what that word means to a child. I accept responsibility for what I did, but that was not me,” the 25-year-old mother said fighting back tears in her eyes.”
But since this spontaneous declaration came after conviction and sentencing it just came across as insincere crocodile tears, a vain attempt to escape punishment and served to prejudice her case in the public eye all the more. How do you defend this sort of behavior then without looking like a thug or a goof yourself? You don’t!
4. Sam J.:  “It's perfectly reasonable to defend yourself with a shotgun if people are throwing stones at you. It may not be liked by the state and fit in with their crush the White Man stance but it's reasonable.”
    No it’s not. Not if you can drive away. Torres and Norton were in a truck when the blacks ostensibly threw rocks at them so according to the law, not to mention our common notions of what’s moral and right, they could have and should have driven away and thereby avoided being hurt or getting involved in a fight where someone could get killed. There was no need for them to point guns. So when they refused to drive away and pointed shotguns at the party goers they committed an assault and could no longer credibly plead that they were acting in self-defense. Let’s not forget this was video recorded too. Lesson learned. White people are persecuted when they defend themselves today, so whites need to have a good understanding of the law of self-defense if they want to stay out of court and out of prison. Is that fair? No. That is just an unfortunate fact of life in 21st century America. The system IS against you, so you need to understand how to work the system. At the same time if you act like you are looking for a fight you’re not going to get any sympathy from the jury of your peers either. Courts typically come down hard on people who used or threatened the use of lethal force when they had ample opportunity to walk away from the fight. “Think like a criminal, act like a responsible citizen” – James LaFond. For your homework read “Deadly Force – Understanding Your Right to Self-Defense by Massad Ayoob 2014.
5. Sam J: “There's another situation that's very similar. American stick Man. He was just released. Why. He wasn't thrown under the bus like you guys did these people.”
Well yeah, conservative whites across the country could see a world of difference between what Jose Torres et al did and what Stickman did. Stickman was video-taped acting in self-defense and the defense of others at the Berkley Trump rally. The Communist “Antifa” thugs were video recorded committing assault and battery against Trump supporters, pepper spraying old people, and the Berkley police were video recorded doing nothing to stop those Communist thugs. That made it all a lot easier to support Stickman for pounding the Antifa thugs over the head with a stick and why people contributed thousands of dollars to his legal defense crowd fund. That’s why the Berkley authorities thought it wise to drop the charges against Stickman. They didn’t want to be put on trial themselves.
6. Sam J.:“I think it's extremely likely that if they had a better lawyer they wouldn't be in place they are in. If they would have had the same support as stickman I bet they wouldn't be serving 35 years. I sincerely doubt they thought or anyone thought that they would get so much time. It's an outrage. It seemed to even stun the Niցցers.” 
Yeah no shit Sam J. Good lawyers and a well-organized legal defense can make all the difference in the world. Don’t rely on a court appointed lawyer to keep you out of prison. In this case it appears their lawyers couldn’t even plea bargain their sentences down. Not doing things that would prejudice your case in the eyes of a jury of your peers and judge passing sentence on you helps too. Don’t forget there was probably mostly white people on the 15 person grand jury that indicted Jose and Kayla and the 12 person petit trial jury that convicted them. Local Douglas County white people couldn’t get behind what they did. The blacks probably thought they hit the jackpot when the “crackers” got sold down the river, eh? Showed them! That’s why I say that the Georgia flag rally was ill-conceived, poorly thought out. Well, lesson learned.
7. Do I think that Jose Torres and Kayla Rae Norton et al belong in prison? Oh hell no! They don’t deserve that even if they did act like prize fools and walk into a trap they helped the establishment construct for themselves. Like I wrote before, their sentences are excessive, unjust and racist. They should just get probation and community service. They should be put into the kind of “restorative justice” programs that the courts typically put black perpetrators into for offenses like this. There is supposed to be equal treatment under the law in this country, but of course there is not. This bullshit of punishing whites for minor crimes but letting black criminals skate on felonies has got to stop. Unfortunately it’s not going to stop any time soon, is it? Not so long as the Leftists control the legal and corrections systems. Torres and Norton need to have their prison sentences reduced drastically, or commuted.  That’s going to take a lot of money and a lot of work by some very high-powered law firms now, so Jose and Kayla may be beyond help their friends and family can provide. Torres and Norton should also apply for pardons from the Governor of Georgia and from President Trump, but considering how badly they prejudiced their cases, that too might be out of reach. Again that’s why I say don’t do that! Some things can’t be fixed once they’re broken.
8. So what did this “Respect the Flag” demonstration accomplish? White people in Douglas County Georgia were humiliated and black hooligans were empowered. Is that what was supposed to happen?  I don’t think so. Should whites stop holding “Respect the Flag”, Southern Pride and other right-wing political demonstrations? Of course not. Sometimes you have toot your own horn, show your pride and exercise your group solidarity. You just have to recognize these are dangerous times and the deck is stacked against you. So use some sense in planning out and preparing for your activities. Avoid being drawn into fights that you can’t win or will get the cops called on you. Be smart, don’t be stupid. The mistakes that really get you in trouble are the ones you keep making over and over again.
9.  Last but not least, consider this. Coach LaFond is a hard ass as we have said. Everybody knows that. That’s one of the things we love about him. When you ask Coach LaFond to evaluate your technique, be prepared to hear his frank opinion. If he tells you you’re all fucked-up and need a lot of work, well that’s the way it goes. If he thinks you’re not keeping your game face on and exhibiting appropriate fortitude when you get hit, you’re going to hear that too. You can accept his criticism and use his advice to improve yourself or you can reject it all and solicit advice somewhere else. Likewise when you ask his opinion on other matters you are going get what he thinks, not necessarily what you really want to hear. In this case Coach asked me to weigh in, but the same applies, everyone is free to accept or reject my evaluation as it stands. Again, you don’t need our permission or approval to do anything.
“If you win, you won’t have to explain...If you lose, you shouldn’t be around to explain!” – Adolf Hitler
Jeremy, thanks for doing such a thorough job on this.
Sam J., thanks for taking the losing side in this forum. Jeremy would not have been forced to make such a good case without your dogged participation. Also, Sam J., email me at jameslafond dot-com at gmail dot-com and let me know which one of my books you'd like and I'll send you the PDF version.
Now, just to set the record straight, if I were the judge in the Torres-Norton case what would my sentences have been?
Mister Torres, you are a disgrace to your race and I will not have you occupying valuable prison space. You are, until the age of 50, forbidden to own or use firearms and must cut the lawn and otherwise attend to the landscaping of your victims' home until retirement—that's age 65.
Miss Norton, a cute young thing like you must not associate with the likes of this fellow. You are forbidden to date him henceforth. I understand he has supported you financially, so I shall shoulder some of this burden by hiring you to clean my house, my built in pool, and also to wash my Cadillac on hot summer days. Be sure to dress appropriately.
Court dismissed!
Chuckling from the Balcony
The War in Europe
logic of steel
‘in these goings down’
time & cosmos
advent america
the lesser angels of our nature
Lynn     Mar 10, 2017

Outstanding contribution, Mr. Bentham! I am glad you covered the comparison to Based Stick Man. I will repeat my request for more commentary from you. Thanks again!
Billy Joe     Mar 10, 2017

Oh hell naw, ya'll sons of bitches done done it now. Get ya guns boys the south is gonna rise again.
James     Mar 11, 2017

I just have a stick nd a hay hook?
Bob     Mar 11, 2017

Good comment. The stakes couldn't be higher.
Bob     Mar 11, 2017

Pure neophyte here - what's with Stickman's weapon breaking on the antifa's head? Should he have gone with a hardwood or maybe something shorter? Standard riot police batons are much shorter are they not?

Experts step up to the plate!
James     Mar 11, 2017

The grain looks like pine, which breaks easily. The length is riot stick length. I will bet he has saber or Euro-sword experience based on his stroke and grip. The police baton is shorter than the riot stick which is intended for use from horseback and with two hands on foot.

He should have used white oak, ash or hickory, Rattan, while less damaging, if cured well, will bend and nit break. Pine has a pulpy strata between the hard grains, it's what broom sticks and coat closet rods are made of.

For legal reasons I would recommend rattan.

If fighting for my life I want a hickory axe handle.
Sam J.     Mar 11, 2017

Well I typed in this long tome and the damn forum swallowed it. So I'll try again but it won't be near as good as my first draft.

"...So if you believe that James and I are just old hard-asses, too harsh and judgmental, with standards of deportment for whites that are way too high..."

You're misguided and wrong and too hard headed to admit it.

"...Frankly I’m inclined to suspect that you are trying to trick us all into inciting violence on this blog so the security organs of the Deep State can shut it down. Is that what you are Sam J., some kind of agent provocateur?..."

HaHA. Hardly. Although I have frequently opined how I believe the combination of Spigot mortars and drones would be a great urban weapon. Notice I haven't, nor will I directly specify any targets, meet ups with people to give them spigot mortars, nor receive or own any mortars. But it's hardly illegal to speculate on the value of weapons systems. Also I perceive that you seem to think the only thing that can be done is direct action. I do not. I don't think going to Georgia and breaking these people out of jail would be of any use whatsoever.

You spend an extraordinary amount of time going over what they did wrong. "...If they would have held the rally in their own neighborhood...", if they this, if they that. This tells me that you do not understand what I'm saying. You don't get it. I never said that what they did was smart. I never said that they should be given free tuition to Harvard. What they did was not very sensical was legal.

These people rode down the road with a flag of their choice. Perfectly legal.

They were attacked by stone throwing Groids. You say they should have run away but if I'm not mistaken in Georgia there's a law that says you DO NOT have to retreat if people are attacking you. It's also perfectly legal to have firearms and to show them to someone that's attacking you, threatening you(and you know the Groids were screaming banshees) and violently throwing stones at you. Let's not leave aside that stoning was a popular way to execute someone back in the day.

Here's a little something that you and the press and most everyone leaves out about the events of that day. There were police all over the place and they weren't arrested. You know why? Because they were within their rights. Maybe they were obnoxious and rude but that's not illegal. It's also not illegal to defend yourself. The whole thing would have blown over but the Jews and Groids raised a mighty stink and got these people prosecuted.

Sam J.     Mar 11, 2017


The difference between us and the Dindu's is they don't give a damn if Trayvon was a dumb ass they're just happy he was beating someone's head not Black into the concrete. I submit that your play "it fair to all races sentiments" are not only foolish they're a danger to all Whites. This has nothing to do with fairness. I nor any of you will probably be out fighting Dindu's on the streets, well maybe James but he is not exactly asking for it, but for those that do we need to support them.

The most important point is we are losing our rights. We can't go where we want. We can't defend ourselves. If we don't support those that are fighting against these trends then we're losers. We will lose. We can not let them decide where we can go and if we go there decide that we always need to run from them when attacked. We're running out of room and the Dindu's, after destroying one area, just move to another area and deny us that area. We also can not afford to pour abuse on those that tried and failed. They are at least doing something. We can readily analyze why they failed and what better to do without calling them derogatory names.

"The moral is to the physical as three is to one." Napoleon

I'm going to stop. My first draft that got swallowed for being too long was about ten times better than this and I'm so pissed about losing, and not saving it, I can't think. Maybe I'll get back to it. I can do better.
James     Mar 11, 2017

You were outnumbered, Sir, so the last word is yours.
Jeremy Bentham     Mar 12, 2017

Sam J.: “You spend an extraordinary amount of time going over what they did wrong.” LMAO. Well no shit Sam J.! They ended up humiliated and sentenced to prison for a long time, so this makes me view the whole caper as a failure. Which in turn makes me focus my analysis on identifying what was done wrong rather than what was done right. So that others might learn from this and not commit the same errors in the future. You know it’s just like with Custer and the Battle of the Little Big Horn. When historians do a battle analysis of that engagement they invariably focus on what Custer did wrong rather than what he did right. It’s just not fair, is it? I mean Custer did a lot of things right at Little Big Horn too. For example he found the Sioux camp which was no mean feat and, contrary to popular belief, he followed the advice of his Crow scouts to attack immediately to prevent the Sioux from escaping. But everything went south after that and then Custer was killed, some 273 of his soldiers were killed with him and the Sioux got away. Consequently folks tend to look at the whole affair as a defeat and focus on the negative. Imagine that? Lesson learned. We’d much rather emulate Ranald Mackenzie against the Comanche at Palo Duro Canyon 1874 than Custer at Little Big Horn in 1876.

Yes, there is a Stand Your Ground (SYG) law in Georgia. This begs the question of why Torres and Norton did not invoke it if they were entitled to do so? I have read nothing that says that their defense counsels ever invoked a SYG defense or even considered doing so. Can anybody out there help me out and supply any evidence if they did? Could it be the court denied them that option on account of that they provoked the altercation? To invoke the SYG defense a person must not be the aggressor, or if he was, he must have attempted to break off hostilities before the second party’s attack on him which necessitated the first person’s use of deadly force. Also the person must be in a place where he has a right to be and he must not be committing a crime at the time. Did the court determine they failed to meet these criteria? Again if anybody has any demonstrable knowledge of this please let us know.

Yes, the inaction of the police in this event is puzzling (the judge said so too). But the police didn’t do them any favors, did they? Because the 15 good people on the Douglas County grand jury returned an indictment on Torres and Norton et al. So there must have been something about what they did that bothered the grand jury a lot? Now some people say that a DA can convince a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich. Maybe so. Did that happen in this case? If so maybe the white people of Douglas County should vote that DA out of office the next time he comes up for election . “Hanging” Judge William McClain too. Do any of those considerations change my assessment of this case? Nope, I still think it’s a dog’s breakfast. Torres and Norton confessed to wrong doing in court. If they themselves admitted that what they did was wrong then it must be wrong. How can anybody else logically defend them? If they really thought that what they did was the right thing to do, they should have stuck like glue to that story. None of this makes any sense. Lesson learned: “Fortes fortuna juvat” - fortune favors the brave.

“The worst decision I’ve ever made in my life was to not walk away when I had the chance,” Norton said.”
Jeremy Bentham     Mar 12, 2017

Sam J.: “You're misguided and wrong and too hard headed to admit it.” Very well Sam J. Do you have any magic words you’d like to say that will make James and I change our minds and see things your way? Or are you just going to double down on the sarcasm? Oh, was that a sarcastic thing to say? Oh well, I trust you see the problem then Sam J. Besides, I still think you’re an agent provocateur. You are trying way too hard to get people to support something that got everyone involved sent to prison. You just want to see more WNs and Alt-right white people get thrown into prison, don’t you? How very SJW of you.
Sam J.     Mar 12, 2017

James I really, really appreciate the offer of one of your books but I can't. I'd feel like I was sponging off of you. There are some of your books I'd like when my finances get better.
Sam J.     Mar 13, 2017

"...Besides, I still think you’re an agent provocateur. You are trying way too hard to get people to support something that got everyone involved sent to prison. You just want to see more WNs and Alt-right white people get thrown into prison, don’t you? How very SJW of you..."

" just going to double down on the sarcasm?..."

Pot calls kettle black.
Sam J.     Mar 13, 2017

My major point is not that they didn't do anything wrong. My major point is your abrasiveness towards them when it was not a forgone conclusion when they did this that it wouldn't just go away. One of the strongest points bolstering this position is no one was arrested that day. I strongly believe that external forces, most likely Jews, leaned on the prosecutors to throw the book at them. Looking at the whole event in this light skews the thinking on the situation. You view them as, they lost, fuck them, they shouldn't be so stupid. My view is they are a little one card in a deck being dealt to make the hand and the game.Your non support means defacto that you support the dealers dealing cards from the bottom of the deck. You can go on about what they did wrong but without understanding "the game" your only advice is to hunker down, retreat and give up. I don't know all the facts of this case. I do know that they didn't saddle up and go looking for trouble at a child's birthday party. This is propaganda used to discredit them. Riding around with a Confederate flag is legal. I do know they rode past the birthday party and were pelted with stones. Notice the propaganda team uses the term "rocks". A different thing all together as they used to stone people to death not rock them. You note that Georgia is a stand your ground State so essentially them threatening them with shotguns to make them stop throwing stones at them but not necessarily appropriate. They had a shitty lawyer who you note brought up none of this while the prosecutor laid it on thick as if the Whites personally set out to invade the party and call everyone Niցցers while threatening them with shotguns. YOU MISS THE BIGGER POINT that the forces above are able to get away with this because instead of causing a stink people, such as yourself, say fuck them they're stupid.

"...You are trying way too hard to get people to support something that got everyone involved sent to prison..."

You completely made that shit up from whole cloth. I also resent what I reprieve as a constant coloring that my position is one of violence. That the only thing possible to do is to rush them and attack everyone. I do not rule out morally supporting those that choose violence which is not the same as participating in or advocating for it. Such support might be along the lines of supporting someone who's family was attacked by Blacks and went on a Dindu killing spree. The support would consist only of verbal support like,"The Dindus should stop killing Whites and maybe this would stop happening". This also ties into your saying I'm an agent provocateur. I'm not because I never said that the only response should be violence. My point is lots of letter writing, possibly public protest and annoying the hell out of the prosecutors and legislature with the grave injustice that has been dealt these White people. Threatening to throw these people out of office.

When I make fun of your stance sarcastically it's because you have no plan at all except retreat or possibly civil war when things get bad enough. I don't want that. I know in an all out civil war I would fair poorly. We didn't get into this mess overnight. They way we got here was constant anti-White lobbying by Jews, cucks and other races against Whites. We should do the same. Your plan should be treated sarcastically because it's the same plan that got us to where we are now.

"...Because the 15 good people on the Douglas County grand jury returned an indictment on Torres and Norton et al..."

And a jury also let O.J. Simpson go free so...

They need to be morally supported as a part of a larger conflict that is ongoing. If not your, whatever plan(that I admit I'm too stupid to understand), is retreat and failure.
Sam J.     Mar 13, 2017

"...Do you have any magic words you’d like to say that will make James and I change our minds and see things your way?..."

Could it be... that I don't think I'll change your mind at all? Could be but it could also be that others seeing what you've written and what I've written will deem you're abandonment of these people as a tactical mistake. That's who I'm writing too and maybe even you over time will come to this conclusion but as you're hard headed it may take a while.
Sam J.     Mar 14, 2017

I want to add. Your personal advice not to go get in fights with the Dindu's is good advice.

I still believe your abandonment of those that do, WE NEED THEM, is BAD advice. Long term those that are willing to "morally" support their people even those are willing to do violence in support of their cause will win. Those that will never fight or support those that fight for them and their cause will lose. Period. Just the way the world works and the reasoning behind my distress at the belittlement of these people.

Can you imagine a Chinese Gandhi when the Japanese invaded China? What would have happened to him? Well maybe there was one but we'll never hear of him because the Japanese probably put him in jail, tortured him to find out why he thought such a hair brained, no violence, scheme would work then executed him.
Jeremy Bentham     Mar 15, 2017

Well Sam J. thank you for agreeing that not getting into fights with dindus is good advice. However, I must point out that that is not my personal advice. Not getting into fights is what the law says we should do as good citizens. Engaging in consensual combat like fist fights and duels with deadly weapons is against the law. One may use force to defend oneself if attacked, but only the force necessary to stop the attack. Then once that attack is halted you must cease using force. You may not retaliate to punish an attacker; you may not pursue him if he flees and teach him a lesson. The law says a citizen must always try to avoid a fight and deescalate conflict whenever that is possible, even in states with stand your ground laws. If you exhort people to stay within the boundaries of the law you will never get in trouble with the law yourself. So that is what I do. James as well. A great many times knowing what NOT do is even more important than knowing what to do, especially when it comes to matters of self-defense and the law.

Neither James nor I is leading a movement. So not only did we not abandon anybody, we cannot abandon anybody. We cannot save anybody for that matter. We have no power and no influence. All we do and can do is express our opinions as individuals. Which we do on this blog. Which is what blogs are for. If you don't like our opinions, if you think we’re too abrasive, if you think we are uncaring, tough shit. Don’t solicit James’ opinion then! Which is what people did on this matter of the Douglas County Georgia Caper. If you or anybody else is unhappy with James’ opinion, or by extension my opinion since James asked me to speak on his behalf, you have only yourself to blame. How many times does James have to tell people NO he’s NOT going to lead some white nationalist movement before they get off his back about it for good and all and leave him the hell alone?

Again Sam J. I still think you are naught but an agent provocateur trying to incite WN's and Alt-Right people to step outside the law so that they can be prosecuted, as well as attempting to trick them into revealing any future plans for action they might have.

If you are not an agent provocateur as you claim, then I recommend you work on your own manifesto and/or start your own blog and stop worrying so much about what James and I have to say. Don’t forget to donate some money to James’ website on your way out. As for me, I’ve said what I want to say on this matter so I’m going to stop feeding the troll now.
Sam J.     Mar 17, 2017

Like I said you're too hard headed to admit that simple, reasonable advice, "we need to stick together and not attack (morally support) Whites who are fighting the Dindus and the Ziostate's perversion of truth". In order to do so you've propped up several straw Men that so you can easily knock them down. Let's see what they are.

"...The law says a citizen must always try to avoid a fight and deescalate conflict whenever that is possible, even in states with stand your ground laws. If you exhort people to stay within the boundaries of the law you will never get in trouble with the law yourself..."

I never said that the law should not be obeyed. I pointed out that the people arrested in Georgia did obey the law. Forces arrayed against them negated that. Lecturing me on,"you must obey the law" is silly and juvenile.

"...Neither James nor I is leading a movement..."

Never said you were so to remind me of such is pointless as it has nothing to do with what I said. More straw Men. I merely pointed out that morally abandoning you're fellow Whites is the path Whites have been following for decades and the result has been catastrophic so you should stop the "Bentham plan" which seems to me to be completely worthless and support your White folks instead.(I fully admit I'm too stupid to understand how the Bentham plan would work)

"...We have no power and no influence. All we do and can do is express our opinions as individuals..."

Well neither do I but as it was the one last straw that broke the camels back if all Whites caused a mass letter writing campaign and derision every time Whites were attacked, stood their ground and then were oppressed by the State it would soon end.

"...Don’t solicit James’ opinion then!..."

I didn't solicit anyone's opinion I just gave mine.

"...How many times does James have to tell people NO he’s NOT going to lead some white nationalist movement before they get off his back about it for good and all and leave him the hell alone?..."

Another straw Man. I never asked nor would I ask anyone to lead anything. I certainly won't lead anything myself so I won't asking anyone else to do it for me. I did ask for people not to attack Whites that stood up to "kiss the Groids ass" for the simple reason that when Whites do stand up to that silly politically correct nonsense they already have enough enemies they don't need Whites criticizing them too.

"...Again Sam J. I still think you are naught but an agent provocateur trying to incite WN's and Alt-Right people to step outside the law so that they can be prosecuted, as well as attempting to trick them into revealing any future plans for action they might have..."

What you're doing here is just calling me names because you can't think of any reasonable response to the absolutely simple, guaranteed to work, obvious advice that if we stick together and don't criticize Whites who are fighting against the odious edifice that is destroying the country we will prevail in the end. Your "agent provocateur" label for supporting Whites is silly and the equivalent of saying girls give you cooties. It's stupid.

You're just hard headed and refuse to admit that supporting Whites is the least you can do and will go to absurd means to deny it. A blind Man could see supporting Whites is the right thing to do.
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