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'Dat's Ma Chyle—Bitch!'
BT1000 Mom Brutally Beats 71-Year-Old Woman After She Scolded Her Child for Bad Manners
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
“By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.”
– Matthew 7:16-18
“According to PIX 11 News, police said the 71-year-old victim received a brutal beating at the hands of the mother of a four-year-old boy, all because the victim apparently suggested the mother, later identified by the NYPD Breonna Turk, 24, needed to possibly teach her child some manners.  NYPD officers say the incident began as the victim was waiting for the elevator to exit a subway station.   The way the cops tell it, it would appear Turk’s young boy did not wait for others to exit the elevator before he jumped on.  According to an NYPD cop, the victim told Turk something along the lines of perhaps she should “teach her (child) to wait for others to get off before you get on the elevator.” This remark allegedly enraged Turk, and police say she waited until the elevator door closed to start beating on the victim as they rode up to street level.  According to one witness, Turk even managed to grab ahold of the 71-year-old victim’s walking cane and hit her with it.”
Cops: Mom Brutally Beats 71-Year-Old Woman After She Scolded Her Child for Bad Manners
© Provided by Mediaite, LLC A 71-year-old woman reportedly learned a brutal lesson earlier this week about offering unsolicited parenting advice inside a NYC subway station.  Note to readers:  Evidently one needs to tread very lightly in that area or you may end up receiving a beatdown with your own walking cane.
According to PIX 11 News, police said the 71-year-old victim received a brutal beating at the hands of the mother of a four-year-old boy, all because the victim apparently suggested the mother, later identified by the NYPD Breonna Turk,24, needed to possibly teach her child some manners.  NYPD officers say the incident began as the victim was waiting for the elevator to exit a subway station.   The way the cops tell it, it would appear Turk’s young boy did not wait for others to exit the elevator before he jumped on.  According to an NYPD cop, the victim told Turk something along the lines of perhaps she should “teach her (child) to wait for others to get off before you get on the elevator.”
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Although the paleface victim had her face obscured after declining a n on camera interview she and her devil kind can only hide but so long before the Sword of Dinducles descends.
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WellRead Ed     Mar 10, 2017

Remember when children were "A welcome addition to the family" instead of "an increase in benefits?"
James     Mar 11, 2017

Black women treat their children like a Jamaican treats stray dogs. I have seen it until I'm sick to my stomach.

I will do a piece on this the next time the subject lights up the night sky.
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