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'No Borders, No Nations'
Immigration Politics
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
You  are not allowed to question the wisdom of allowing mass immigration from the third world in Canada either. They have less free speech rights there than we do in America incidently. Funny editorial.  Read on.
Memo from: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
To: My fellow Canadians
Re: Immigration
“It has come to my attention that despite my best efforts to divert you from my disastrous economic record by playing the “Islamophobia” card, too many of you still aren’t getting the message. "Why , just the other day I read the results of a Forum Research poll that said 44% of you believe that we should not allow asylum seekers who enter Canada illegally to seek asylum in Canada. That compares to only 36% of you who believe we should allow asylum seekers who enter Canada illegally to seek asylum in Canada, and 20% of you who are undecided. To be blunt about it, what the hell is wrong with 44% of you? Were your grandfathers all Nazis or something?”
GOLDSTEIN: Admit it, Canada, you're racist!
Jewish Transnational Suicide?
 Yeah, this has always been a real head scratcher. A another case of turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.
Why Do American Jews Want Thousands of Jew Haters in America?
Frontpage Mag |
Lessons from Europe for the American Jewish community.
Last week, the Jerusalem Post and other news agencies reported that in a Paris suburb, two Jewish brothers wearing kippot (Jewish skullcaps) were attacked while driving their car by Middle Easterners driving another car.
Plight of the Long Knives
Call of the Nords
the greatest boxer
logic of force
on combat
menthol rampage
into leviathan’s maw
by the wine dark sea
Bob     Mar 11, 2017

Diaspora Jews (correctly) judge Muslims a useful adjunct to the multicultural West they promote. Their sheer unassimilability gives rise to hostility on the part of autochtones, hostility easily channeled into foreign wars to secure IsrŠ°el (thereby creating refugees with which to flood the West), and more creepily, as a cover for liberticide speech codes/hate-crime laws, primary beneficiary of which is the Jewish community. Importantly, Jews must not be seen to the primary sponsors of these laws for self-interest, but in the altruistic spirit of tikkun olam.
Sam J.     Mar 12, 2017

"...Why Do American Jews Want Thousands of Jew Haters in America?..."

Because they see them of as less of a threat than White people. They think they can control them better.
Sam J.     Mar 14, 2017

"...Jews must not be seen to the primary sponsors of these laws for self-interest, but in the altruistic spirit of tikkun olam..."

They do this to attack whatever population they are residing in. It has nothing to do with saving the world. You should assume anything the Jews say is a lie, always.
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