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Brains and the Journey Round the Shithole
The Zombie Media By Eirik Bloodaxe
© 2017 Eirik Bloodaxe
What does human brain taste like? Ask your friendly neighbourhood zombie, or Reza Aslan, host of CNN’s show “Believer.” Poor Reza is coping it for the innocent act of engaging in cultural diversity with the Aghoris of India, taking part in some of their rituals which includes the utterly delightful practice of smearing ashes on his face and eating human brain. Unfortunately, the brain was "burnt to a crisp" and tasted like "charcoal," indicating that humanity has a long way to go to get back to the high standards of cannibalistic culinary excellence, practiced in pre-history:
Hey Reza, I know of a tribe of urban savages who eat their own shit, so to speak: want to look at them? See:
This has the bum-licking clip from “Girls,” described by the actress suffering it, as “ass motorboating,” along with a follow-up kiss… yum. If you are not ill yet, then chew on:
The Aghoris would probably find all of this, barbaric. While they also eat shit, along with rotten corpses, they do this “to kill ego and derail the human perception of beauty, which is essential for a man to lead his life as an Aghora”:
None of that here though.
Zombie Mutant Pigs, Attack!
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Bob     Mar 14, 2017

My late stepfather used to have us in (non-fatal) hysterics with his stories of "laughing death" (Kuru) which used to afflict cannibals in PNG, where he lived as a young man, many, many years ago.
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