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‘Racing The Sun’
The Art of Joseph L. Bellofatto Junior
© 2013 James LaFond
I met Joe in 1989 when he responded to an ad I had placed in the Sun Paper for an illustrator. He is the man who introduced me to political philosophy, which seems so very serendipitous at this stage in my life. Joe illustrated the Broken Dance project ten years ago, which was an enormous amount of work. I own a unique painting he did for my Tribes role playing setting ten years before that. I was thrilled to find out he had updated his site.
I find Joe’s work to be disturbing on a primal level. He is one of those people who can produce art that you want to have sex with! Few things are more disturbing to me. I could not stay in the room when my family watched Roger Rabbit. For me looking at Joe’s gallery is like being at an undead strip club. His portrait of Betty Paige is incredible. I think his best work is erotic fantasy and action fantasy. There is also something really gripping about his science fiction art which I am too artistically obtuse to articulate.
After going through Joe’s updated site these are my picks:
‘The Contessa’, a creepy gymnastic vampire babe
‘Our Lady of the Lake’, which has a soft serene quality
‘Mission to Mars’, a potential sci-fi book cover
‘Sorcerer Scholar’, which, I would bet is Joe’s version of Peter Joseph
‘Racing the Sun’, a painting of a carriage racing across a bridge to a mountain top gothic castle
Writers like me live in perpetual jealously of authors like Joseph who can tell a story on a single sheet of—whatever it is they paint on. Check Joe out at his Subterranean Studio link on our network page.
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