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The Engineering of Consent
MIT Professor Noam Chomsky on Propaganda, Liberalism and War Crimes
© 2013 James LaFond
After reading The Nightly News, a brutal fringe comic about a cult of anti-media terrorists, I decided to check on the old griping Professor from MIT. Since I was a boy watching investigative news programs with my parents [Yes, they used to have programming like that.] Noam was the guy the ‘opposition’ carted out to discredit the media and government. Now, since we have a one party, one media propaganda apparatus brainwashing us, the only people left interviewing the old naysayer are the lipstick news babes from Rooski TV. I particularly like the angry socialist redhead with the perfect 38 year old BMI.
Noam is a linguist, philosopher and social critic who has put out roughly two books per year since I was smashing peas in my highchair. If you manage to find any of the RT interviews sit back and enjoy. Noam, at 84, is a soft spoken student of power and social evolution. As often as others may plead for him to say that the United States is ‘uniquely evil’ or ‘exceptional’ and by default of a superior good nature, he sticks to his objective guns.
Although Noam decries U.S. terrorism and propaganda, with statements such as ‘the terror-generating machine’, ‘the evil that follows’ and assertions that our presidents are war criminals, he makes it plain that these are naturally and unalterably the behaviors of all peerless political powers throughout history. Professor Chomsky repeatedly tries to educate Putin’s bimbo brigade as to the fact that power has a social profile that transcends culture, economy, religion and technology. He ought to know better by now.
Noam points out that all supreme powers have and do institute political persecution systems [ours being the NDAA which permits any of us to be jailed indefinitely without charges by the U.S. government]. The level of his apolitical insight is acute. He is not the first to note that no totalitarian regime could ever match a ‘free’ society for engineering consent through massive brainwashing and language manipulation. He goes beyond though, and points out that the real target of propaganda is not the common man, which has been generally assumed, but the elite.
Professor Noam Chomsky is a human condition geek with a penetrating gaze. He will never make a drop of difference in the ocean of lies we are adrift in. The monster he has taken on is nearly eight billion apes strong. He is, however, a great source for fiction authors to mine for insights into the workings of societies of all technology levels. If you are building a corrupt world for your protagonist to navigate in your next novel, read something by Noam. He breaks it down. He makes so much clear sense that he is nigh unintelligible to the mindless fools we rub shoulders with. This is fortunate in its own way, for he has never been believable enough to be worth killing. I mean, this guy thinks that murdering women and children in their homes is a ‘universal evil’.
What the hell is his problem?
Obviously the man was not paying attention when Genghis Khan answered the question of what is good in life, “To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hold their women close.”
I nominate Noam Chomsky as Court Jester to the Chicago Khan.
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