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By Fred Beare
© 2017 Fred Beare
Attacks on Jewish cemeteries were, according to reports, not due to crazed white nationalists: : “The NYPD says after consultation with the management of the Washington Cemetery in Brooklyn, it was determined the 42 tombstones came down as a result of a number of factors. Those include long-term neglect or lack of maintenance, as well as environmental factors such as soil erosion.”
Here is a bit of old news: “Man Arrested for Jewish Center Bomb Threat is Black, Anti-Trump, Communist”: . No, I am not making this all up.
Now there is this news item: “Israel Arrests Hacker Linked to Threats on US Jewish Centers”:
“The surprising arrest of the Jewish man, who holds dual Isrаeli and American citizenship, came after a trans-Atlantic investigation with the FBI and other international law enforcement agencies. U.S. Jewish groups welcomed the breakthrough in the case, which had raised concerns of rising anti-Semitism and drawn condemnation from President Donald Trump.
Isrаeli police described the suspect as a hacker, but said his motives were still unclear.
"He's the guy who was behind the JCC threats," police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said, referring to the scores of anonymous threats phoned in to Jewish community centers in the U.S. over the past two months.”
But, wait – didn’t all the anti-hate guys say that all of this was due to the rise of Trump and the wicked Alt Right? Will we hear the magic phrase: “on this one, we got it wrong?” Of course not, because in some logically possible world, the Alt Right did do it:
Oh, and speaking of “whodunit,” looks like Don Trump was not insane and deserving of impeachment on the grounds of insanity and not doing exactly what the global conspiracy wants: Obama may have tapped his phone, or as they put it “Trump’s personal communications may have been collected’:
However, the real issue is not whether this happened in the past, but whether the shadow government is still doing this. After all, no matter what evidence is dropped in Trump’s lap, he is impotent to act against his supposed enemies, and always takes it on the chin. So much for all the “god emperor” memes put out by enthusiastic lads on the net, searching for a father figure:
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