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We Are Governed by Idiots
Full On Crazy–The Left Wants EVERYONE In The World To Have The Right To Move To America by Ann Coulter
© 2017 Jeremy Bentham
“In 1960, 75 percent of the foreign-born in America were from Europe. Today only about 10 percent are. More than a third of all post-Teddy Kennedy act immigrants—not just the wretched humanitarian cases—don’t even have a high school diploma.”
Now it is an oligarchy of federal judges who get to decide what America’s immigration policy must be. Not the elected representatives of the American people. These judges apparently draw their authority from what Steve Sailer calls  “The Zeroth Amendment”, that undefined and undefinable passage that Leftists are convinced is in the U.S. Constitution that allows anybody in the world who wants to live in America. But not if you’re white. And certainly not if you’re white and can speak English AND have sought after job skills. Only if you’re not white, can’t make yourself understood in English, are unskilled, will be likely to  become a permanent part of the government dependent underclass (both you and your offspring and your extended family) and thus a net burden on American society, will be you allowed in. Being illiterate even in your native language is a plus.  That all is of course the thrust of the Ted Kennedy sponsored Immigration Act of 1965. To make America into Not America.
Ann Coulter’s core message: immigration isn’t working as promised and we are governed by idiots.
Ann Coulter: Full On Crazy–The Left Wants EVERYONE In The World To Have The Right To Move To America |
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