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Post-White Race War?
Brown-on-Black Hate Crimes on the Rise By Fred Beare
© 2017 Fred Beare
The writing is on the wall for white Americans who are set, whatever Trump does, which looks like nothing, to become a racial minority, probably before 2040:
Those in the know are already getting ready for this and choosing a new team: . Well, good for them.
However, this all assumes that there will be a peaceful change of team colors. Maybe not, though. Can I quote a truly great source here, the Southern Poverty Law Center article, “Latino Gang Members in Southern California are Terrorizing and Killing Blacks,” way back in 2007:
Look, that did not hurt, did it? And, my god, shocking racist stuff; I thought only whites were racist? Surely though it’s not going on now? Is it?
Well, with the magic of a few key pounds on Google, which always tells the truth, we find equally alarming articles indicating that black people are facing firebombing from Latino gangs: , murders: , you name it: .
I was so depressed reading this that I drank a bottle of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee whiskey, in one sitting, before I slid off the bar stool. JD is like mother’s milk and worth drinking by the crate load. My goal in life now is to be like my father, and drink myself to death. I don’t see any revolution of red, white and bluers saving the day. Better to die of alcohol-related illnesses, than to be roasted by the savages like a spit-pig, with a stake through my anal hole, coming out my mouth. Anyway, even if they did try this, there would be so much alcohol in my system that I would just explode into flame!
Maybe the post-white “America” will not be a land of milk and honey, but rather, blood, fire and gunpowder. Think the end of capitalism, wealth, health, security. This is an aging work, but more relevant to the immigration issue than ever before is this little beauty:
Waking Up in Indian Country: Harm City: 2015
Let Mother China Take ‘Em Back!
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Sam J.     Mar 30, 2017

Here's a link by a guy people really should read. He's really really good and his blog's are so good at cutting through all the bullshit and making complicated stuff simple. Here's a post on why the Jews are so successful.

I'm not as good as him in putting into words why Whites should stick together. I will say if we do not then there's a great possibility that we will be massacred in the future. The Jews did this in Russian, Spain, they attempted to in Germany and they did so many time in the ancient past in the Middle East. The standard way most people act is that if they have almost complete power they will slack up on whatever group they are dominating. The Jews are the opposite, The more power they have the more they will oppress you.
Anonymous     Mar 30, 2017

The title of Steinlight's paper is disingenuous. The policy was never "misguided", rather it was based on the rationale that massive Third World immigration would impact society unequally. Only a small number of Jews would suffer directly, with the greater part of the community receiving added protection from the State and community leaders enjoying greater support from their brethren, flowing from the very anti-Semitism the former fomented. This small negative impact was bearable given the enormous devastation wrought on the wider, non-Jewish, white population, imbued with less ethnic cohesion and unity of purpose.

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Bob     Mar 30, 2017

Gur gvgyr bs Fgrvayvtug'f cncre vf qvfvatrahbhf. Gur cbyvpl jnf arire "zvfthvqrq", engure vg jnf onfrq ba gur engvbanyr gung znffvir Guveq Jbeyq vzzvtengvba jbhyq vzcnpg fbpvrgl hardhnyyl. Bayl n fznyy ahzore bs Wrjf jbhyq fhssre qverpgyl, jvgu gur terngre cneg bs gur pbzzhavgl erprvivat nqqrq cebgrpgvba sebz gur Fgngr naq pbzzhavgl yrnqref rawblvat terngre fhccbeg sebz gurve oerguera, sybjvat sebz gur irel nagv-Frzvgvfz gur sbezre sbzragrq. Guvf fznyy artngvir vzcnpg jnf ornenoyr tvira gur rabezbhf qrinfgngvba jebhtug ba gur jvqre, aba-Wrjvfu, juvgr cbchyngvba, vzohrq jvgu yrff rguavp pburfvba naq havgl bs checbfr.

Lbhe yvax qbrfa'g jbex, urer'f na nygreangvir:
Bob     Mar 30, 2017

The title of Steinlight's paper is disingenuous. The policy was never "misguided", rather it was based on the rationale that massive Third World immigration would impact society unequally. Only a small number of Jews would suffer directly, with the greater part of the community receiving added protection from the State and community leaders enjoying greater support from their brethren, flowing from the very anti-Semitism the former fomented. This small negative impact was bearable given the enormous devastation wrought on the wider, non-Jewish, white population, imbued with less ethnic cohesion and unity of purpose.

Your link doesn't work, here's an alternative:
Bob     Mar 30, 2017

Auster's "Why Jews Welcome Muslims" is also worthwhile. A highly cohesive, insular and endogamous community with a particularist moral code can withstand foreign influences far better than an exogamous one with a universalistic moral code (especially since the institutions that previously acted as unifying agents for the latter - culture, tradition, Church and family, have been dissolved or corrupted throught State intervention, largely, though not exclusively, at the behest of Organized Jewry).
James     Mar 31, 2017

This is an excellent point.
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