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Bearded Indians?
Ishmael and James Discuss Some References
© 2017 James LaFond
Read the description of the features of the Utes along Utah Lake the friars commenting about bearded features! This was in the 1600s?
You think the French penetrated this far south, this was in 1776?
I have seen bearded Utes, always thought this was recent, maybe lost Spanish from first contact had influenced genetics?
If you can keep from getting your throat cut, we need to visit Southern Utah, Colorado, do some research In the future.
Ishmael, white Indians, bearded Indians, blue-eyed Indians, have evoked many theories of prehistoric European migrations, Viking Invasions, etc. Gavin Menzies book 1424 includes evidence, archaeological and DNA, that Chinese colonized the Americas.
I can tell you this:
Three white men and a black man walked around Texas for four yearsin the 1520s.
In the 1540s two Spanish armies marched through areas that became over a dozen of our southern states.
In the 1560s, 100 English pirates were marooned at the mouth of the Rio Grande and walked to Cape Breton, Canada—well, only three made it that far, with it seeming very likely that many of the rest went native, as they were not abused by the tribes they met.
100 English settlers were distributed as slaves among at least three southeastern tribes in 1587.
And just imagine the shipwrecks from 1492-1600? Those mariners did not have radar or black boxes. When they went aground or went under, it was usually near a coast and they just were not heard from again.
Various Indian tribes, up through the mid-1800s, encouraged their women to have sex with white men for various reasons, including gathering intelligence, trading sex for steel, etc. Although I do not discount any of the more ancient theories, to account for beards and blue eyes among Indians as early as 1600, we need look only to the accepted historical record.
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BaruchK     Apr 3, 2017

Spaniards had been running away from the long arm of the law in the New World for some time. Especially the kind of New Spaniards who didn't like pork, know what I mean?
James     Apr 3, 2017

Baruch, any info you could send me on this would be much appreciated.
Glasgow Ned     Apr 3, 2017

Would like to read more about the pirates who walked to Cape Breton. Searched the Google but couldn't find anything. Might you have a link to share? Thanks and keep up the great work!
James     Apr 3, 2017

I will post an article soon.

My source is a book on Roanoke by a historians who got into the British archives. I will find it under all of these unfolded clothes and old newspapers—soon, spring cleaning is around the corner.
BaruchK     Apr 3, 2017

Long and short of it is, it's unclear.

I suspect there is something to it.

On a vaguely related note, many of the Pashtuns of Afghanistan/Pakistan come from the Lost Tribes for sure. I'm also pretty sure about the Igbo of Nigeria.
James     Apr 4, 2017


I'll use these links to build an article. I read at least two books in the 1970s that were some fifty years old concerning the lost tribes of Isrаel in North America. Even if it was just conjecture, it does point to Indians that looked white enough to inspire attempts to explain ancient European contact.
Ruben Chandler     Apr 3, 2017

St. Augustine is considered the oldest inhabited city in the US. Pensacola was founded first. The Karawnkaway Indians there covered themselves from head to toe with alligator fat and ashes from the fire for insect control. They were also weepers. The macho conquistadors they these NDNs were push overs because they wept when they met the Spaniards. The ships went back to Spain leaving their colonists and when they returned a year later there was no Pensacola. The colonists were eaten to the last man and woman by their weeping hosts. People are trying to white wash the Karawnkaway today, make them PC and a polite tourist attraction but I'll stick with Edward Dahlberg's research as put forth in his wonderful little tome, "The Sorrows of Priapus", which all should own a copy of.
James     Apr 4, 2017

The tribes of Florida held out in diminishing numbers until the mongrel Seminole did them in. The Spanish never really settled Florida in 250 years but huddled in their coastal works, which says a lot for these original Floridians. I will look for more on the Karawnkaway.
BaruchK     Apr 4, 2017

If you've ever been to Florida, once you get past the coastal strip, it's basically innavigable hell jungle.

The heat, humidity and thickness of the foliage is like nothing I've ever seen. Parts of North Carolina come close, but not really.

I have no idea how the conquistadors would have moved through there to conquer it.

Mormons thought the Indians came from the Lost Tribes, but Mormon theology is crazy. I can buy the Pashtuns and the Igbo-it's not too much of a stretch, there are enough common customs (especially with the Pashtuns) not shared by their neighbors, there are common genetics, and I can't really think of any other way a group of people in Nigeria would have an average IQ of 107 other than that very uncommon descent. The idea that some tribe of Isrаel came over to America in numbers large enough to conquer a decent-sized chunk of it is far-fetched and requires extraordinary evidence, and I haven't seen any so far.
Ishmael     Apr 5, 2017

Ck out Windover site, Florida bog people, migrants from Cactus hill? Did native Americans bury their dead like this?
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