August 11, 1763
The Pennsylvania Gazette
RUN away from the Subscriber, living in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, An Irish Servant Lad, named High McBride, born in the North of Ireland:
Had on when he went away, A blue double breasted Coat, with white Buttons, old blue Plush Breeches, old Felt hat, Tow Shirt and Trowsers, and one fine Ditto Shirt, no Shoes nor Stockings.
He is of a fair complexion, down looking, about 18 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 2 or 3 Inches high, and is very clumsy Legged.
It is supposed he is gone towards New Castle or Carlisle along with two others.
Whoever secures said McBride in any of His Majesty Goals, so as his Master may have him again, shall receive Four Dollars Reward, and reasonable Charges, paid by me James Moore, Blacksmith, living in the above mentioned Place.
Books by James LaFond