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To Dump on Trump
Trump's Blunder from Down Under By Fred Beare
© 2017 By Fred Beare
What follows is the most in depth, far-reaching and best documented of the many criticisms of the Syrian Question that have been sent to me by e-mail, phone and spoken in person and linked via comments and e-mails. As an apolitical recluse I see American heads of state as interesting ethical studies and as entertainment. To me, Trump's chief value has been twisting the panties of the liberals I so hate. I have tried to shun this subject in writing as much as possible, which has encouraged our contributors here to pick up my slack. As a counter point to Mister Bentham's commentary on the Syrian Question, one of our Australian researchers has dropped quite an indicting load on what he characterizes below as a major blunder on the God Emperor's part. For what it's worth I'm falling somewhere between Misters Beare and Bentham on this subject.
I do not feel sorry for numerous Alt Right types right across internet wonderland for their mental collapse over their god emperor Donald J. Trump, doing a 180 degree turn, and bombing Syria, because Syria gassed “beautiful babies.” The Alt Right should have seen this coming like a missile, from miles away.
Over the years, Trump in his narcissistic big man tweets professed that interfering in Syria, by doing what he had now done, would bring the US to the brink of war with Russia:
Trump has done precisely that:
Putin is now claiming that the US had planned the attack before the gas attack:
Such claims are plausible, as detailed in a deleted Daily Mail Online article, “US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to be Blamed on Assad.” See:
Now the Pentagon is moving to blame Russia for the attack, moving right into a neo-con war:
If Trump was a genuine American first nationalist, he should have at least waited to investigate the Russian and Syrian side of the story, and carefully exposed it if it was actually another 9/11. The claims made by not only Alt Right folk, but also some establishment figures, that the gas attack was a false flag, may or may not have been proven:
Here is Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame commenting on the implausibility of the establishment version, in I think the most concise written piece on this:
“According to the mainstream media – that has been wrong about almost everything for a solid 18 months in a row – the Syrian government allegedly bombed its own people with a nerve agent.
The reason the Assad government would bomb its own people with a nerve agent right now is obvious. Syrian President Assad – who has been fighting for his life for several years, and is only lately feeling safer – suddenly decided to commit suicide-by-Trump. Because the best way to make that happen is to commit a war crime against your own people in exactly the way that would force President Trump to respond or else suffer humiliation at the hands of the mainstream media.
And how about those pictures coming in about the tragedy. Lots of visual imagery. Dead babies. It is almost as if someone designed this “tragedy” to be camera-ready for President Trump’s consumption. It pushed every one of his buttons. Hard. And right when things in Syria were heading in a positive direction.
• Interesting timing.
• Super-powerful visual persuasion designed for Trump in particular.
• Suspiciously well-documented event for a place with no real press.
• No motive for Assad to use gas to kill a few dozen people at the cost of his entire regime. It wouldn’t be a popular move with Putin either.
• The type of attack no U.S. president can ignore and come away intact.
• A setup that looks suspiciously similar to the false WMD stories that sparked the Iraq war.
I’m going to call bullshit on the gas attack. It’s too “on-the-nose,” as Hollywood script-writers sometimes say, meaning a little too perfect to be natural. This has the look of a manufactured event.” See:
Such claims of a false flag required careful investigation, especially from Trump who once promised to investigate 9/11. If Trump did this, he would have been able to make at least a prima facie arguable case for attack, although one which more detailed analysis could unpick. For one thing, Trump in his haste to do his masters’ bidding violated US procedures that required that Congress must be notified of any military operations unrelated to aggression against the US. That will be used in his impeachment.
Why should a nationalist all-for-America position require military intervention in another nations so-called human rights abuses, when such abuses occur daily right across Africa and most of the world, but nothing is done by the US? And isn’t the “beautiful baby” rhetoric, regularly turned out when the female public need their gentle brains massaged ( , to take more adult male refugees? Now the bombings are being used by the migrationists, for even more Syrian refugees, especially to the US:
All that these wars do, is produce migrants who flood the West, aiding in the demographic displacement, and ultimate ethnoracial soft genocide of the Northern European gene pool. But, that’s the plan.
Never mind that the US has, by use of its drone strikes killed more “beautiful babies” than the gas attack:
There was no shock, horror about this from the globalists, as was poured out over the “Gas! Gas! Gas! The beautiful babies.” Never mind that Trump’s own attack killed four children, four “beautiful babies”:
. Think of how many billions of “beautiful babies” are going to die from Trump’s current neo-con path:
In conclusion, Trump’s quick draw attack shows beyond a shadow of doubt, that the Alt Right is “right on” in seeing Trump as a neo-con puppet. He was told what to do, and did it, by the same Dark Lords, who despise him for his tiny token false news murmurs of nationalism during the election. Those murmurs, those Alt Lite platitudes, were from Bannon, not from him, and delivered as part of the “art of the deal,” to get votes from a hurt and bleeding American people. They dared hope that this billionaire, reality TV star, could be their savior, and some young writers, desperate for a father figure, pushed memes with Trump as a god emperor, usually in the guise of Pepe the frog. A frog would have made a better president.
Consider the case against Trump, especially for red white and blue Christian types: (1) someone involved with casinos with strip clubs ( ; (2) who once told a ten year old child that he would be dating her in ten years ( ; (3) who like Bill Clinton, has had numerous sex abuse allegations made against him ( ;
; (4) who said of convicted celebrity pedophile Jeffrey Epstein: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side”:
; . We may never get to find out what really happened, whether it was a false rape accusation, or a suppressed truth, but the voluntarily dismissed case, Jane Doe v Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein (Case 16-cv-04642, US District Court, Southern District of New York, 2016), is worth reading. It is reproduced at the URL directly above this text, and all documents are here: . (“COMPLAINT FOR RAPE, SEXUAL MISCONDUCT, CRIMINAL SEXUAL ACTS, SEXUAL ABUSE, FORCIBLE TOUCHING, ASSAULT, BATTERY, INTENTIONAL AND RECKLESS INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, DURESS, FALSE IMPRISONMENT, AND DEFAMATION.”)
Then, of course, there is his family and their connections, that same family now advising him. Put all of this, and a thousand handfuls of dirt more, and one would have to conclude that it is the height of insanity to believe that this opportunist could make America great again even if he could. The presidency is about making
Donald J. Trump greater.
Clearly, the frustrated Alt Right is correct in seeing him as a neo-con puppet. But, this was there to see from the beginning, and it was only a childish longing for a ruling father figure, “daddy” as Milo Yiannopoulos once called him, that prevented a much more cautious approach to Trump. At the time, the threat of Hillary Clinton was so much greater, that Trump had to be supported without the necessary reservations.
Now, the gloves can be taken off, and it is important to do so. People who voted for him will cease to vote for anyone in the future given their almost certain disappointment in Trump. He can bomb Syria at the drop of a gas, but he lets the Clintons and Obama go. The wall is not likely to be built. Thus, Alt Right intelligentsia need to go on the attack. No more ego-tripping rallies to feed his narcissism. There needs to be an alternative candidate step up to the plate, who begins the 2020 election campaign now, backed by whatever grassroots funding is available, funding that would otherwise have been wasted on the New World Order’s orangutan. Although there may not be much of a chance of succeeding against the next evil Democrat candidate that will replace Trump as he fails the next election, it may keep the flames of discontent alive. Trump gives Americans a little time to prepare for the coming crash, and that is all that can be expected. He is, for example, unlikely to have a gun banning in the short-term, but may go in that direction if ordered to by his masters later. That gives a window of opportunity to stock up.
Finally, all of this shows that a political solution to all of the problems of Western civilization is most unlikely. A Trump or Le Pen, if elected will be neutralized even if they were sincere from the start. If it is impossible to build a wall, or stop migrants, what chance is there for major paradigm changing social change, such as changes to the financial system, along the lines sketched by social credit for example, by an elected political leader? Any such changes, if at all possible, have to be done at the grassroots level, from the bottom up. But, the problem is that there may not be enough time left now to do this, since every generation seems to have to start the fight afresh, while the globalists have thousands of years of power politics and all the technologies of the world, going for them.
Beyond even the agenda of world domination, the globalist elites are happy to have nuclear wars as part of their insane agenda, probably because their level of evil is so deep that they have become nihilistically self-destructive, much like rock stars, who given wealth turn to destroy themselves. The only difference is that the criminal psychopaths who rule us will seek to take all of life down with them:
It is time to stop whistling in the dark and to face up boldly to the stark reality confronting us. The probability of the destruction of civilization by nuclear war, and other means is higher than the probability of a “happy future”:
Footnote 1: it is more than a little strange how Trump, a few days ago, said by the same MSM who were saying that he was Putin’s agent, then bombed his “boss’s” allies. If Russia did interfere with the US election, then now would be a good time to help the impeachment forces? If Russia does not come clean, then we at least know that the MSM was wrong again on that one.
Footnote 2: In the event of nuclear war, before Russia fires Satan II missiles that can destroy areas of land as large as Texas, will Putin drop something non-nuclear on Trump Tower as an entrée, a “hi Don, thanks for all the bananas”?
Footnote 3: There may be a limited nuclear exchange, with LA (epicenter Hollywood) and New York (epicenter Wall Street) nuked. The NWO will take a little time to regroup from that, but like the comic book character Doomsday, it surely will: .
Footnote 4: Interesting to note that Trump’s attack occurred on the 100th anniversary of the US entry into World War I. It is the sort of in-joke the globalists like to make and laugh about in their fancy clubs.
Footnote 5: It is truly amazing how all the White Helmets at the sarin gas scene were able to handle gassed “victims” without using even gloves, when usually chemical protection suits are needed to avoid also being killed: . More bullshit.
The working titles for this piece were:
Take a Dump on Trump the Chump!
(Or, the Naked Emperor has a Teenie Weenie Weiner)
By Fred Beare
Taboo You: Deluxe Man Cave Edition
A Bright Shining Lie at Dusk
A Partial Exhumation of the American Dream
‘A Movie in Their Head Called The Past’
site reviews
'A Sack Full of Rats'
graphomaniac archive #1
advent america
on the overton railroad
search for an american spartacus
shrouds of arуas
on combat
Sam J.     Apr 11, 2017

"...Footnote 3: There may be a limited nuclear exchange, with LA (epicenter Hollywood) and New York (epicenter Wall Street) nuked..."

What exactly is it we have to do to get Putin to do this?

I don't know what Trump is doing and had the same the shy is falling attitude as everyone else until I found out the attack was...not much of anything. That it was for show. So, once gain I have no idea what Trump is doing, I'll wait it out and see. We're no worse off than we would be with Hillary so far. She would have attacked immediately.

I will say if the Jews do take over then we're being pushed into a position that either we or they will win and we should recognize this. They refuse to compromise at all so we must assume the worst.
James     Apr 11, 2017

This guy is fascinating: is he a buffoon or a genius? I don't think anybody can comfortable stay in the middle ground with him.
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