A bank robber from Zimbabwe. Immigrants committing crimes Americans won’t do anymore.
“But when he wasn’t incognito, the Brighton man who was allegedly behind the mask was largely incompetent, records suggest. When he was found lurking outside a Concord bank a month ago, police towed his alleged getaway car. Why? He’d failed to renew his insurance.”
“Apprehending Albert Taderera, 36, was the result of both sophisticated police work and the suspect’s own bumbling, court records show. And it all came together in the nick of time: Taderera was arrested at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, D.C., last month, the same day investigators planned to search his car for evidence, as he attempted to board a flight to South Africa.”
“For now, Taderera is charged only with the Oct. 7, 2016, robbery of a TD Bank branch in Wayland, when he allegedly brandished a semi-automatic handgun and made off with about $8,000, warning tellers that he would hurt them if he had to. Court documents show he’s a suspect in 15 other robberies.”
“The string of robberies attributed to the Incognito Bandit paused only when Taderera, a citizen of Zimbabwe, was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement last year, according to court filings in his divorce and child custody case. After Taderera was released, the robberies resumed.”
“Taderera is now a lawful permanent resident, according to a spokeswoman for the US attorney’s office, which is prosecuting the case. A lawyer who once represented him in a 2011 domestic abuse case in Framingham said he had been in the United States on a student visa at that time.”
“An ICE spokesman declined to explain why Taderera was detained in early 2016, or how he came to be released a few months later—only to allegedly don his disguise several more times.”
© FBI An image from a security camera at a Citizens Bank in Woburn allegedly showed the so-called Incognito Bandit.
He pulled socks over his shoes to obscure his footprints, and covered himself head-to-toe in black—a disguise that earned him an FBI nickname fit for a supervillain: The Incognito Bandit.
For two years, the bandit meticulously selected and staked out his targets, allegedly robbing 16 banks since the start of 2015 and getting away each time.
But when he wasn’t incognito, the Brighton man who was allegedly behind the mask was largely incompetent, records suggest. When he was found lurking outside a Concord bank a month ago, police towed his alleged getaway car. Why? He’d failed to renew his insurance.
Apprehending Albert Taderera, 36, was the result of both sophisticated police work and the suspect’s own bumbling, court records show. And it all came together in the nick of time: Taderera was arrested at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, D.C., last month, the same day investigators planned to search his car for evidence, as he attempted to board a flight to South Africa.
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